Chapter Twenty Four

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"Nico!" He jumped up. "Nico, I'm over here!"

I stayed frozen in my spot. This was the point where I was meant to run up to him, and kiss him. This was the specific part we were supposed to be practising right now. But I just... couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to do it. And I had no idea why. It wasn't as if I didn't want to kiss Will. Heck, I wanted to kiss Will more than anything in the world. I was just... afraid, I suppose. Afraid of what people will think when they see this part of our performance. Afraid of what people will say to me. And I thought that, maybe if we don't practise it, it won't have to happen.

Will walked towards me, and put his hand on my shoulder. "Are you alright, Nico?" he asked. "'Cause this is the third time we've attempted this, and we haven't even tried the kiss yet. Do you need to talk about it?"

I hesitated, but eventually nodded, and we sat down on the porch. "I just... I can't do this," I admitted. "I mean, the kiss. N-not that I don't want to kiss you!" I internally cringed at that last statement. "I-I mean, um... I d-don't want to kiss you, w-well not specifically you, just anyone I guess... I don't want to kiss anyone in front of a crowd. B-but I still want to do the scene. It's important. I just... I'm afraid."

Will pulled me into a hug, which actually made me feel better, for a change. I found myself hugging him back. And then I did the unexpected. I kissed him. And he kissed back. And it was wonderful. Much better than our previous kiss. This time, I had no doubts. I was in love with him, and he was in love with me. In that moment, I wanted the entire world to know. I forgot all about the inevitable teasing and bullying, and just thought about our love for each other. Who cares what other people would think? We were in love, and no one could stop us! I closed my eyes, and wished for this moment to never end.

That's when Will's Dad opened the window, and proclaimed, "I called it!" Will pulled away, and shouted at him to leave us alone. He sighed, and closed the window again.

Will turned to me, and I could see the light blush on his cheeks. "That was... unexpected."

"I'm, I'm sorry," I apologised. "I don't know what got into me. I shouldn't have... I shouldn't have done th-"

Will cut me off by pulling me into another kiss. And it was just as good as the first. If not, even better! It seemed the more time I spent with Will, my love for him just grew and grew.

All my doubts and fears about the kiss scene disappeared, and soon enough we were in position to practise again. You can do this, I told myself. You can do this.

I took a deep breath.


"Nico!" He jumped up. "Nico, I'm over here!"

I ran towards him. He put his arms out. Once I was close enough, I pounced onto him, and we fell to the ground. Just before we hit the ground, I planted a kiss on his lips. We looked into each other's eyes as I laid on top of Will, and we just burst into laughter. We kissed again, longer this time.

It was perfect. Will was perfect. We were perfect. Perfect for each other.

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