Chapter Thirty Nine

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A/N: Woah how the hell did this get 1000 views wHaT?! I love you guys so much :D thank you for reading this~

"How about this one?"

"Looks great."

Jason continued staring at suit, as if he was expecting it to change in some way, whether that be for the better or the worse. We had been looking at suits for two hours now, travelling to different shops in order to the find the perfect one. Me, I didn't really care what I showed up in, but I absolutely hated suits. They were just too formal. To be honest, I had been considering just showing up in my usual black hoodie. However, Jason insisted that we look through all the suits, probably so that he could find one for himself. I was just blindly following him, occasionally telling him that I liked the suit he was checking out. Eventually, after Jason had found his outfit, we would go into some more appropriate stores, and search for something a little more casual.

"I'm not sure... Isn't a little too bright?" Jason asked. He had tried on a sky-blue suit, with a white shirt and a darker blue bow tie. It was a perfect fit, and he looked amazing.

"Let me tell you again, Jason, you look great," I reassured him. "Trust me, the colour is perfect, and I'm sure Piper will love it."

He nodded. "Yeah... I'll... I'll get this one, then."

We went to the checkouts to pay, then left the shop with our purchase. Jason suggested that we go get some lunch before we start searching for me outfit, which I agreed to do if only for his sake. I knew from school that at this point in the day he already would've had a meal, so he must have been hungry. Of course, I never really ate lunch, but I couldn't exactly refuse. He lead me to a small cafe on the outskirts of the town, which before that day I didn't even know existed. It couldn't have been very popular, but I suppose it was nice. It was more a tearoom than a cafe. Honestly, I was kind of surprised that Jason knew a place like this.

"I came here a month or so ago with Piper," he informed me. "Since then, I've been a regular visitor. It's quiet, and the staff here are really nice."

We took out seats at a table in the corner of the room. The only other people there were an old couple, who gave me a suspicious glare. It suddenly dawned on me that I was wearing all black, my hair was a mess twenty-four/seven, and I probably looked like I was plotting a murder - not really the type of person who would go to a pretty pink tea house covered in flowers with a dude twice my size. Immediately, I felt incredibly self-conscious, and suck down into my chair.

Jason ordered a sandwich and a glass of Pepsi, whilst I was asked for some water. "Dude, you need to eat something," Jason told me.

I shook my head. "I'm not hungry."


I sighed. "Fine. I'll, um..." Ugh I hate being put on the freaking spot, I had literally no clue what I want to eat, actually I don't want anything to eat, what is my life, agh.

"He'll just have the same as me," Jason quickly saved me.

The couple were still staring at me after the waitress had left. It was making me feel uncomfortable, and I was half-tempted to shout at them to tell them to look away, but I didn't thanks to my crippling social anxiety.

"Why couldn't we have gone to f**king McDonalds or some s**t where people don't stare at you 'cause you wearing all black and look like you don't belong in a goddamn tearoom," I muttered, not thinking that Jason would hear me.

"Just ignore them," he whispered. "They come in here all the time. Literally every time I come in they stare at me as well. Probably because I'm a teenage boy and a lot of the time I just come in alone."

Our food finally came, and Jason dug right in. I began to nibble on the sandwich, since I didn't particularly want to eat anything but at the same time I had to for Jason's sake. He had already insisted that he pay for the food, so I felt like I had to eat it so it wasn't a waste.

"What kind of outfit are you looking for, then?" Jason asked me.

"Just something casual," I replied. "Like, still suitable for a party, but nothing to extravagant or posh. Preferably something black. Something that won't draw to much attention."

Jason smiled. "I know just the shop."

I frowned. "What shop? How do you know exactly what shops to go in for stuff."

He shrugged. "I used to go shopping with my sister. And, I mean, you know Thalia."

"Great. Whatever shop you're talking about, we can go there next."

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