Chapter Fourty Two

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I immediately regretted my decision to come to the dance.

The room was overcrowded, and loud, and there were way to many people, and I couldn't deal with that. The music was blasting out so loud that I could hardly hear myself think. There were so many people that I could hardly breathe. I knew that everyone was too occupied with the party to pay any attention to me, but I still felt as if the entire school was staring at me, judging me. Panic built up in my chest.

I tugged at Will's arm, silently praying that he got the message. Will nodded, and lead me to a corner of the hall where there was less people. However, it was still loud, and I had no idea what to do. Will was saying something, but I couldn't hear him over the music. Terrible music, no less. They could have at least chosen some good music to ruin my life.

Will must have realised that I couldn't hear him. He took out his phone, and a moment later I received a message from him. 'We can go if you feel u uncomfortable here' I shook my head. I didn't want to ruin this for Will - he was the one who wanted to come to the dance. I knew that he would enjoy it, and if we left it would be my fault that he didn't get this experience.

I just... I just needed to mentally prepare myself. It was going to be fine. I was going to be fine. Will and I would go up to the dance floor and have a good night.

I turned around to look at the crowd of people. Now that I was calmer, it didn't seem like as many people as before. I quickly shot Will a text, telling him that we should go join in. He grinned, and pulled me towards the dance floor.

I stood there awkwardly as Will began to dance. I had never really been particularly good at dancing, and I was way to anxious to try it out anyway, but Will. Gods, Will. He couldn't dance at all, but at the same time he was the best dancer in the room. At least, he was through my eyes. He didn't seem to care about what people thought of him. I wished I could be like that.

Will grabbed my hands, trying to get me to dance with him. I hesitated, but soon gave him a small smile. We danced for several songs - I mean, it could hardly be considered dancing, but it was the most fun I had had in ages. I was slowly beginning to feel thankful that I decided to come to the dance.

The music faded out, and people stopped dancing. A couple of students walked onto the stage at the front of the hall. I turned to Will, confused.

"Speeches," he whispered. That would make sense. I nodded.

I wasn't really listening to whatever the students had to say. Something about thanking us for being here, and saying how much work had gone into organising the dance. I didn't really care. They mentioned something about food, then the music began to play again.

I turned back to Will, but he was gone. "Will?" I frowned. He wouldn't just... leave me like that. Had he gone somewhere? Where did he go? Did he say something before he left? Oh, God, he must have said something to me, but I hadn't heard him. And now...

I was trapped in a crowd of people. People who I didn't know. I couldn't move. There was no space. The people all around me were closing in. I couldn't think straight. I tried to take deep breaths. My vision went blurry. What was I doing with my life?! Why did I ever think coming to a party would be a good idea? I ran my fingers through my hair. A tear fell down my cheek. If I didn't get out of there, I...

Someone put their hand on my shoulder. I spun around, ready to punch whoever had touch me. My hand was an inch away from their face when I realised who it was.

"J-Jason?" Jason shuffled back a bit. I brought my arms to my side. "I'm, um, I'm sorry, I didn't realise, a-and..."

"Don't worry about it," Jason interrupted. "Will's looking for you."

He grabbed my arm, and lead me away from the dance floor. He took me to a table in the corner of the hall, where all my friends and their dates were sitting. Tears still stained my face.

Will ran up to me, and flung his arms around my shoulders. "Nico, thank God, I was so worried. I thought you were right behind me, and... I-I... I just went to get some food. I had no idea that I would lose you like that, and..." He moved back, placing his hands on my shoulders and looking me in the eye. "Are you... Have you been crying?"

I have him a weak smile. "I'm... I'm fine. I just... panicked."

He pulled me into another hug, which this time I returned. I rested my head on his shoulder, as he whispered into my ear. "I won't leave you again. Ever."

"I'll never leave you either," I whispered back.

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