Chapter Eighteen

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I awkwardly sat on a sofa in Percy's house, two hours after the party had begun. I was beginning to regret my decision to come here. The terrible pop music was way too loud, the room was crowded with strangers, I had lost Will fifteen minutes into the party, and everyone was drunk. I honestly felt really uncomfortable - I wasn't a big fan of parties in the first place.

Jason sat down next to me, looking rather panicked.

"Are you ok?" I asked, concerned.

He shook his head. "No, that Drew girl keeps trying to kiss me. I don't like her in general, let alone love her. But she isn't taking no for an answer. Remind me why we invited her?"

I shrugged. "This isn't my party."

"Oh, right. Percy!" He stumbled away to find the party host.

I sunk further into my chair. I could have left at any moment. Nothing was stopping me. Or, rather, nobody. I had lost the only reason I came to the party - Will Solace. Maybe I should go looking for him... Or maybe I should just leave there and then. But then Will might try to find me, and he'll get worried, and- I had to find him first, then I could tell him I was leaving, so he wouldn't worry about me, and I would get away from this horror show. It was a win-win situation.

I stood up, and tore my way through the crowd. After a solid fifteen minutes of wandering through the house, I finally found Will in the kitchen. As soon as he saw me, a huge grin grew on his face.

"Nico! I've been looking for you everywhere!" Will enclosed me in a hug. "Where were you?"

"You, uh, you wandered off," I replied. "I was trying to find you too."

"Well, now that you're here, I can finally talk to you!"

"T-talk to me about what?" He grabbed my hand, and dragged me upstairs. "Where are we going?" He took me into one of the bedrooms. "Will?"

Will sat down on the bed, and motioned for me to join him. I sat down next to him. "Listen, Nico. I'm about to tell you something extremely personal, and I would prefer it if you didn't go around shouting it out to the world." He took a deep breath. "I am super gay."

I stared at him like he was insane. Why was he making such a big deal out of this? I already knew that, and I wouldn't be surprised if the entire school knew. He announced that he had a crush on me in front of the entire cafeteria. It would be a surprise to no one if he suddenly decided to come out to the world. "I mean, I kinda guessed that, but ok."

"I am super gay for you," he added.

Once again, I wasn't surprised. He had announced it in front of the entire freaking school.

But what he did next did surprise me. Will Solace grabbed my face, and pulled me closer. So close our lips connected. He was kissing me. Will Solace was kissing me. And I liked it. A wave of happiness rushed through my body. I found myself kissing him back. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. In that moment, it was just me and him. Nobody could ruin it. Nothing could stop us from loving each other. If anything, it made me love him more.

I wish we could have stayed that way forever. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. And sometimes, that end can ruin it. The door opened as the kiss came to a close. Drew Tanaka stood in the doorway, linked arm-in-arm with Jason Grace. Her eyes widened.

"Oh my God, were you two just kissing?" she said, almost sounding disgusted.

Jason stared at me. I looked into his eyes, silently sending him a distress signal. He walked in, grabbed my arm, and dragged me away. "C'mon, Nico, we should get you home."

"But-" Will began to follow us, but it was too late. We were already gone.

"I-I-" I stuttered. "Uh, th-thank you back there. I d-don't think I could d-deal with her." We exited the house, and Jason began to walk me home. "M-me and Will were j-just, um, we were j-just talking-"

Jason gave me a sympathetic smile. "Don't worry Nico, I'm not going to tell anyone about you two."

"B-but, what if Drew-"

"Don't worry about it for now, ok?"

I took a deep breath. "Ok."

We walked the rest of the way in silence, which gave me time to contemplate what had just happened. Will had actually kissed me. And I had kissed him back. And I had enjoyed it.

No doubt about it, I was head-over-heels in love with Will Solace.

A/N: Ok wooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaah 300 hits?! I actually never thought I would get that many. Thank you guys soooooo much for reading this!

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