Chapter Thirty Five

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I struggled to sleep that night. I was still scrolling through Tumblr at two in the morning, but eventually it reached a point where there was nothing new to look at, and no blogs that I followed were updating, so I was left with nothing to do. As far as I knew, everyone else in the house was sleeping, so I didn't want to get up in case I woke them. I was tempted to text Will or something, but... he would be sleeping.

I wondered if Reyna was awake yet. It would have been eleven where she was, which wasn't an unreasonable time to be awake, but then again it was a Sunday. She was probably busy. I didn't want to interrupt whatever she was doing.

Instead, I just laid back in bed, and willed myself to fall into a deep slumber, where I would be safe from all my toxic thoughts and where I might actually get some energy back. Even after talking to Reyna about it, I still couldn't help but blame myself for Dad's death. I needed to stop thinking like that.

I finally managed to slip into a deep, dreamless sleep around four in the morning, but I was rudely awoken by the doorbell ringing. I groaned, and rolled over to look out the window at who was at the door. It was a dude I didn't recognise, who was holding a bouquet of roses. I saw Hazel open the door, and greet the stranger with a huge hug.

Frowning, I got out of bed and made my way downstairs, coming face-to-face with Hazel and the other dude. "Who the hell is this?" I asked my sister.

Hazel blushed. "O-oh, uh... This is my boyfriend, Frank Zhang," she introduced, as he gave me a little wave. "We're, um, we're going out on a date."

"Oh, that's... That's great!" I grinned. My advice has helped her - my sister was now dating the guy she had talked about to me a few weeks ago. "Have fun, you two!"

I turned, and went back upstairs, immediately collapsing on my bed and falling back asleep. Once again, I was rudely awoken, this time by my phone buzzing. I had gotten a text from Will. It was just a simple, "You alright?", but the just the fact he had text me make my heart flutter.

"i'm fine," I replied.

Will called me, and I immediately picked up. I hadn't talked to him the previous day, so I was almost excited that I had the chance to catch up with him. Even though I had literally been with him for the entire week, and I would see him tomorrow anyway. What could I say, I was in love!

"Hi, Will!" I greeted.

"Hey, Neeks," he replied. "So... I'm at the park with my Dad, and I swore that I saw your sister here."

"Hazel?" I asked.

"Yeah, Hazel. She was with a guy who I didn't recognise. Tall, black hair, kinda stocky?"

"That's her boyfriend," I told him. "Frank Zhang. They are on a date or something."

Will breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank God. I was worried it was a stranger or something."

I laughed. "Don't worry so much. Hazel can take care of herself."

We talked for a couple of hours, about nothing in particular. Just messing around, really. Will was the only person I could really do that with - when I talk to him, I know that he won't judge me, and all of my worries just float away. I really did love him. And I was lucky to have him.

What did I do to deserve a guy like Will?

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