Chapter Twenty Eight

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A/N: Ok woah 500 hits? Thank you guys so much!!! I never thought I would get that many! I love you guys <3

Before I even knocked, the door swung open, and my boyfriend threw himself over my shoulders, enclosing me in a hug. I hugged back and let my head lean on his shoulder.

"Thank you for letting me come over," I whispered.

"No worries," he whispered back. We pulled apart, and looked each other in the eye, Will's hands still on my shoulders. "Are you ok?" he asked, sounding rather concerned.

"Y-yeah..." I replied. "Well, kinda. I did just run away from home. I'm not... I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do now. But I don't want to go back home. Not yet."

Will led me inside, and we went to sit in the living room with his Dad. I figured that I should probably explain why I had to come over, but to be perfectly honest, I wasn't sure whether I even could. So much has happened - none of it good - and I didn't particularly want to relive it. However, they deserved to know.

"I"m sorry," was the first thing that came out my mouth. "I mean, I'm sorry for showing up here in the middle of the night. This was the only place I could think of..."

His Dad gave me a sympathetic smile. "It's ok, son. You're welcome here anytime."

Will put his arm around my shoulder. "Do you mind... telling us what happened?"

I took a deep breath. "I, uh, I came out to my Dad. And, well... I don't know. We were arguing, it just slipped out, then we argued even more, and I just left. Now that I think about it... He didn't actually say that he didn't accept me. He just... He didn't say anything, and I think I overreacted. I thought that he hated me and that he wanted me out of his life. But he probably doesn't. I... I'll probably have to go back at some point. B-but not tonight! I don't think I can handle him right now..."

There was silence for a moment as they took the information in. Eventually, his Dad said that I could stay as long as I needed to, then announced that he was going up to bed and went upstairs, leaving me and Will alone.

"We should probably do the same," Will suggested. "Since we have school tomorrow, and it's already pretty late."

I nodded. "Yeah."

"You could come and sleep in my room," he said, casually.

"W-wait, what?"

"Well, we don't have a spare bedroom, so-"

"N-no! It's f-fine! I can sleep down here! O-on the couch, or whatever..." I bit my lip. "I-I just, um... We literally just got together earlier today, and we're still rather young, and-"

Will laughed. "I don't mean in the same bed, you dork! I have a mattress under the bed, I can put it up for you."

"Oh, right." That made much more sense. I had no clue what I was even thinking. Why would Will be suggesting we share a bed? You're such an idiot, Nico. "W-well, then, s-sure, yeah. Let's go upstairs."

Fifteen minutes later, we had set up the spare bed, with blankets and pillows. Will grabbed some pyjamas and went to get changed in the bathroom, muttering something to me as he left. I didn't hear. I sat down on the mattress as I waited for Will, and looked around the room. Everything about it screamed Will to me - the walls were painted sky blue, his bedcover was bright yellow, and the room was covered in posters of various animes. Very unlike my room, in which literally everything was black.

Will soon returned, and looked at me in confusion. "I thought I said you could get changed in here whilst I was gone?"

Wait, was that what he had said to me? That would make sense... I didn't even bring any pyjamas. To be perfectly honest, I didn't really own that many pyjamas. I would usually just sleep in whatever I already had on.

"I, uh, I don't usually wear pyjamas," I admitted. "And, um, even if I did want to wear some, I don't have any with me, so, uh... Yeah."

Will took some clothes out of his draw, and threw them at me. "Put these on. They're probably a bit big, but..." He shrugged. "It's always better to sleep in PJs."

I thought about arguing, but decided against it. I was too tired, and I knew that Will wouldn't give up. I went into the bathroom, and put on the yellow t-shirt and orange bottoms. He was right - they were way to big for me. The t-shirt was like a dress on me. But it didn't really matter - these were just for sleeping in, so I could just change in the morning. Besides... they were kind of cosy.

I returned to Will's room, and got into bed. He turned off the light, and whispered, "Goodnight."

I whispered back, "Love you."

I couldn't see that well in the dark, but I could swear he was blushing.

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