Chapter Twenty Three

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News of Jason and Piper dating spread quickly; as did news of the school dance coming up. Somehow, a bunch of students had organised a school dance without anyone finding out (Piper was included in that group), and set the date for two weeks time. It wasn't long before people began scoring themselves dates - Jason and Piper were already going, Leo asked Calypso if she would join him, and Percy and Annabeth didn't even have to ask each other, they just knew they would go together.

As for me, I wasn't planning on going. I never liked parties. The last party I went to hadn't ended well, with the whole Drew situation. Besides, I was already stressed with the performances coming up next week, without having to worry about going to a school party. The only reason I would go is if, by some miracle, Will Solace asked me to go as his date, which would never happen... Would it?

"Hey Neeks," Will greeted, as he threw his arm around my shoulder. Strangely, I had no problem with him calling me Neeks - if anyone else had called me that, I would have been tempted to punch them. "Come round to my house tonight?"

I froze. He wanted me to come round to his house. What for? Nobody had asked me to come to their house since... Well, I guess since I was still friends with Thalia. Unless you count that one party I went to at Percy's place, but I had done my best to repress that memory.

"I mean, well..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "We, uh, need to practise that one scene, y'know? I figured you probably don't want to practise that part in school... I don't particularly want to practise it in front of everyone else."

What scene was he talking about? We had practised all the scenes, pretty much... Wait. Did he mean the kissing scene? Of course he meant the kissing scene! What other scenes were there that we couldn't do in school?

"Dad said that he'd make dinner for us," Will continued. "Actually, he was pretty insistent on me bringing a friend round for dinner at some point, and I thought that this would-"

"Ok, Will, calm down," I interrupted. "I'll come round."

Will grinned. "Sweet. Meet me after last period?"


Once school had ended, Will and I left school together, and he lead me to his house. I didn't bother telling Dad that I would be going round to a friends - he wouldn't care, anyway. I didn't talk to him at home, so why would he want me there? If he wanted me home, he could just call me, and I could tell him I'm working on a project with my friend. He would understand.

We soon reached Will's house, but before we entered the front door, Will stopped, and turned around to face me. "I'd, uh, I'd just like to apologise in advanced for my Dad," he said, nervously. "He can be a little... eccentric. And he kinda likes to get involved with my... love life." I frowned. "Whatever he says, don't worry about it, ok?"

I nodded. "Ok..."

Will opened the door, and allowed me to step inside. His Dad was waiting for us in the living room. As soon as I saw him, I discovered where Will got his good looks from - he looked almost exactly like his Dad. It was... weird. But a good kind of weird, I guess.

"Dad, this is Nico," Will introduced. "Nico di Angelo."

"Ah, Nico!" His Dad stood up. "My favourite son-in-law!"

What? Son-in-law? Did he think Will and I were... No. We weren't dating. Were we? Had Will previously told his Dad that I'm his boyfriend? No, Will wouldn't do that. I shared a knowing look with Will - he didn't like this either.

"Um, Dad, me and Nico are not dating," he clarified. "We're just friends."

His Dad laughed. "Please, that script you've written says differently."

Will blushed; as did I. "Th-that's just a story. We aren't actually... We aren't actually dating. We're just really close." I gave Will and encouraging smile. "Um, we're gonna go practise in the garden. Bye."

"Wait!" We stopped. "I feel a Haiku coming on..."

"Dad, no."

"My son and his friend,
In love but they won't admit,
They are gonna snog."

"DAD, NO!"

Will dragged me outside. Why did everyone think we were dating? This all started because of that one kiss! The kiss that wasn't planned at all! The kiss that happened when Will was drunk! I was getting sick of all of this

Although... I would be lying if I said I wouldn't like to date Mr Sunshine over there.

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