Chapter Fifty

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Applause rung out around the hall as Will and I did our final bows.

The performance didn't go as bad as I had expected. In fact, it went perfectly. No one questioned the fact that there was a romance between two guys - instead, people seemed to encourage it. At some point half way through the performance, and random audience members shouted, "I ship it!" which was enough confirmation that they took it well.

The headmaster said a few words of thanks, then dismissed the entire school, letting them to just go home straight away. Will and I walked off the stage hand-in-hand, meeting the rest of the group just outside.

"You did amazing!" Jason cheered, displaying a huge grin.

Will put his arm around my shoulder. "Thanks, Jason. We're glad you guys liked it."

Piper clapped her hands, and exclaimed, "I can't believe you two actually kissed, up there, on stage! It was beautiful! And so brave of you, as well."

"I'm actually surprised no one has said anything about that," I admitted. "I kinda assumed people wouldn't take it so well."

Percy shrugged. "I'm pretty sure the only person in this school that had a problem with you two was Drew, and she..."

Jason frowned. "Yeah, what happened to Drew?" he asked. "I haven't seen her all week."

"I think she's just been staying out of our way," Percy replied. "Good thing, too. I think we were all just about ready to murder her."

"Percy, no, we're not murdering anyone," Annabeth interrupted. "Yet." She took a step towards us, and nodded her head. "You're performance was amazing."

I smiled. "Thanks."

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I took it out, quickly glancing at the message. My eyes widened. "Hey, Jason, remember Thalia?" Jason nodded, mumbling something about Thalia being his sister so of course he'd remember. "She's, um, she's dating my friend. Reyna."

Jason gasped. "Oh my god no way!"

I nodded, and showed him the message. His face immediately lit up. "My sister! She! Yes!"

"I don't know who you guys are talking about, and I'm sure this news is great, but we should probably get going," Leo said, taking charge for probably the first time in his life.

Jason composed himself. "Yeah, we should. We don't want to just hang around school for the rest of the evening."

Will smiled. "'Course not." He turned to me. "Neeks, you wanna come round mine again?"

"You bet," I accepted.

Jason smirked. "Don't have too much fun." He wiggled his eyebrows. I blushed, and I imagined Will was probably blushing as well.

Piper shoved his shoulder. "Jason! They're sensible, nothing's gonna happen! But-" She lowered her voice to a whisper. "-if anything does happen, text me, I want to know all the details. You two are the cutest."

She saluted, and dragged Jason away. After saying their goodbyes, Percy and Annabeth, and Leo and Calypso all made heir exits as well, leaving Will and I alone.

His kissed me on the lips. I kissed back. It was perfect. Passers by gave us some weird looks, but for once I didn't mind. If I meant being with Will, for once I didn't mind being in the spotlight.


*wipes away tear* it's over
thank you all so much for reading this story, and sticking with me all this time. it really means a lot to be to see people enjoying this silly little fic that i probably worked way to hard on like fifty chapters how the hell did i keep it going this long
seriously, thank you so so much. i love you all <3
please feel free to leave your thoughts on this story as whole ^^ and, of course, more stories will be coming at some point. not sure when my next solangelo fic will be, but i do have my sanders sides fic to work on, and also an original story i'm writing
thank you, again. i know i've already said thanks like a million times in his fic, but i honestly can't thank you all enough. it's you that has made this possible. without readers, i wouldn't have nearly enough motivation to write as much as i did.
thank you
goodnight (:

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