Chapter Fourty Five

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A/N: thank you so much for 2k views guys, i literally never thought i would get even one view and i'm shook? seriously, thank you so much for reading this, it means a lot to me!

this is a slightly shorter chapter, but i just needed to get in a little more fluff before the next chapter, which... well, you'll find out. i have the entire story planned until the end now, and there should hopefully only be one angst chapter left, buuuuut that angst chapter may be... a lot... yeah... um....... enjoy this lil' bit a fluff first. thank you for reading~

I anxiously waited for Persephone to reply to my text, hoping and praying that she would let me stay at Will's. We had already left McDonalds at this point, and Percy, Annabeth, Leo, and Calypso had already gone in opposite directions to their own houses. Piper was going to stay at Jason's for the night, so the two of them were walking with Will and I, since we would have to pass Jason's house on the way.

My phone buzzed. I looked down, and saw I had received a message from Persephone, reading, "What about school tomorrow?"

I quickly texted back, "i still have some clothes at wills i can wear, don't worry".

A moment later, she had responded with, "Ok, you can stay there."

Will looked over my shoulder, and smiled. "Yes," he whispered, excitedly. I looked up at him, and smiled back.

Half an hour later, we were sitting in his room. His Dad didn't seem to mind that I was staying over - in fact, he seemed excited that I was staying over. Will had set up the mattress again, which I was now laying on. I wanted more than anything to just crawl into bed besides him, and cuddle up to him like he did less than two hours ago. However, I also didn't want to push my luck. I knew getting into bed with him would be a bad idea, especially since we were still young. I didn't want his Dad - or anyone else, for that matter - getting the wrong idea.

Will turned off the light.

"Thank you," I whispered. Will looked over at me. "Thank you for everything. You've made my life so much better. I just... I love you so much, ok? Tonight was honestly the best night of my life. And these past couple of months... I've just been so much happier, and it's all thanks to you."

I didn't know where all that had come from, but every single word that came out was true. It was late, I was feeling emotional, and Will was right next to me. On a different bed, but next to me nonetheless. And I truly did love Will more than anything.

"I love you too, you dork," Will replied affectionately.

"Love you, you nerd."

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