Chapter Fourty

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"Oh my god, Jace, hi!" Drew threw her arms around Jason, embracing him in an intimate hug. She rested her head on his shoulder. "What are you doing in the mall? Wait, don't tell me, you're getting an outfit for the dance? Aw! Right, don't show me, I want it to be a surprise. I love you so much!" She glanced at me, looking me up and down. "But why are you shopping with this creep?"

Jason pulled away from the hug. "Firstly, don't call me Jace. Secondly, you aren't my date to the dance. We've been through this, I'm going with Piper. Thirdly, this 'creep' is my friend. In fact, Nico and I were just leaving, weren't we?"

I nodded, desperate to get away from the girl. I had just about had enough of Drew and her bullying. Besides, we had already gone and brought my outfit, so there was no reason to hang out. Staying would just cause more trouble.

Drew scoffed, "That creep is actually you're friend? You actually want to hang out with him?"

Jason rolled his eyes. "Yeah. He's been my friend for years. Is it really that much of a surprise?" He grabbed my arm, and we began to walk away. Thankfully, Drew didn't follow.

Drew didn't bother me after that. On the Monday at school, she completely ignored me, even though she saw me several times. On the Tuesday, she didn't even say anything when she found out Will and I got the highest grade in the class. She didn't mention anything about the dance that was happening that very night, and as far as I knew she didn't harass Jason any further.

For the lessons following our performance, our Performing Arts classes had been fairly chill, since the teacher didn't want to start anything new just yet. Instead, for every single lesson, we just spent the entire time playing various improvisation games. Miss O'Toole even let us leave early on the Tuesday, since she knew the dance was that night. However, before we could leave, she called Will and I back to talk to us.

"So, Will, Nico," she began. "The headteacher has asked me to recommend a pair of students to perform their piece in an all-school assembly at the end of this week. Since you two got the highest grade, I told him that you two would do it."

I was lost for words. She wanted us to perform the piece... Oh god. That would mean kissing Will in front of the entire school. We had already gotten enough crap from people just for being together, and now... I couldn't say no to a teacher, especially since the headmaster was the person who requested it. Will squeezed my hand in attempt to comfort me.

"We'd love to, Miss," he replied politely.

She smiled. "Excellent! You don't need to turn up any earlier on Friday. You should be excused from your fourth period lesson, and you will performing at the fifth period."

She let us go, and we walked together to the cafeteria, still holding hands.

"Don't worry," Will said, sensing my anxiety over performing in front of the school. "We'll do fine. Everyone will like it, I'm sure."

I took a deep breath. "Thank you."

He planted a kiss on my cheek, instantly making me blush. "You wanna come round to mine tonight before the party? To get ready and stuff."

I was about to say yes out of habit, but I quickly caught myself. "Actually, um, I'm going to Jason's to get ready."

Will frowned for a second. However, his frown soon turned into a knowing smile, and he nodded. "Yes, that actually makes a lot of sense. You do that. You're coming to the party with me anyway."

"You don't think people will judge us, do you?" I asked. "I mean, two guys going to a dance... That doesn't really happen. I..."

"It will be fine, Neeks. Pretty much everyone knows we're dating now anyway. And, if they have a problem, you know we have a group of amazing friends that will defend us."

I smiled. "I'm actually looking forward to tonight."

A/N: heeeeey so a started another book. Not solangelo this time. Not even PJO. If any of you guys like Thomas Sanders, and watch the Sanders Sides vids, I am currently writing a fic about them. Check it out on my profile :)

Don't worry, I'll still be writing this book as well. I just couldn't wait to post the first chapter of my new fic.

Thanks for reading~

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