Chapter Fourty Three

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The party had calmed down a lot since I was reunited with Will. Some people must have gotten bored and left, or the party was coming to a close, or maybe it just seemed that way to me because my anxiety levels had dropped. Either way, I was glad.

Will grabbed my hand excitedly, and dragged me to the dance floor. At first, I was slightly confused as to what he was planning, but once I heard the song that had started playing, I understood.

Every night in my dreams,
I see you, I feel you.

He wanted to slow dance. I... wasn't surprised. Or nervous, actually. I loved him. I wanted this to be the best night of my life. And this was the perfect way to end it.

That is how I know you, go on.

Will put his hands on my waist, and I put my hands on shoulder. Which was kinda hard to do, considering how taller than me he was, but I just went with it.

Far across the distance,
And spaces between us.

More couples had joined us on the dance floor, all taking a spot under dimmed pink light that had flooded the room. I absolutely hated the lighting, and the fact that the floor was crowd again, and the song to be perfectly honest, but as long as Will was here holding me, I knew I would be ok.

You have come to show you, go on.

"Near, far, wherever you are," Will began to sing. His voice was... beautiful, heavenly even. Slightly out-of-tune, but that just made me love him even more. His eyes twinkled in the soft light. "I believe that the heart does go on."

We moved gracefully across the room, swirling and twirling to the music. For once, I didn't feel as if every single person in the room was judging me. I felt as if it was just Will and I, completely alone, with no one to tell us what to do, or say we were doing every wrong. It was... magical.

"Once more you open the door, and you're here in my heart-"

"And my heart will go on and on," I completed, smiling at my love. I hadn't sung out loud in years. I probably sounded terrible. Why did I finish the line? He probably hates me now, he was staring at me in shock, oh God-

"You didn't tell me you could sing!" Will exclaimed. "You have a beautiful voice!" I blushed. "Why don't you sing more often?"

"I-I... I d-dunno, I never thought I was th-that good to be honest..." I mumbled, looking down at me feet. He actually liked my singing... Surely he was just saying that because he was my boyfriend. I knew that my voice was terrible.

Will lifted up my chin so we were staring into each other's eyes. "Your singing is incredible, Nico," he told me, with sincerity in his voice.

I took a deep breath, and picked the song back up. "Near, far-"

"Wherever you are," we sung in unison. "I believe that the heart does go on." We continued dancing and singing, completely lost in the moment. "Once more you open the door, and you're here in my heart, and my heart will go on and on." I moved my hands down to Will's waist, and slowly moved apart until we were standing arm length apart, our hands clutching onto each other like our lives depended on it.

I sang, "Your here."

Will sang, "There's nothing to fear."

Together, we sang, "And I know that my heart will go on."

We moved closer. I laid my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me my back. We let the music continue in the background, without us interrupting with our own voices. I let the words of the song sink in as my love held me in his arms.

We'll stay forever this way,
You are safe in my heart.

I hoped with all of my heart that we stayed like this. Will holding me close, keeping me safe. Knowing that we'll never fall apart, and we can always rely on one another. William Solace, my true love.

And my heart will go on and on.

A/N: thank you so much for reading this guys!!! it makes me super happy to see people enjoying this story, i love you all so much!

i just wanted to let you guys know that since school is starting up again, i'll probably have to go back to releasing one chapter every weekend. i'll try to update as much as possible, but i might be busy with stuff idk

love you all~

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