Chapter Twelve

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For the first time in my life, I wasn't late for Performing Arts. I was actually early for once. I had realised that, without meaning to, I had skipped the previous lesson of Performing Arts, when I was avoiding Will, so I figured I would have to apologise to the teacher. Again. Somehow, I managed to arrive before the teacher to do this.

As soon as Miss O'Toole came through the door, I stood up and rushed to meet her.

"Nico?" she exclaimed, dropping her papers.

I quickly knelt down to help her pick them up. "Oh my God I'm so sorry for scaring you I didn't mean to oh God." I was beginning to panic. Great, just what I wanted to do when she arrived. Panic. Nice thinking, Nico.

After we had collected the papers, she lead me to her desk, and waited for my explanation.

I took a deep breath. "Miss O'Toole, I am incredibly sorry for missing a lesson. It's just... I'm going through a lot right now, and I actually missed the entire day of school last Wednesday, and I'm probably behind on quite a few lessons now so I should probably talk to my other teachers as well, but this is the only class I really care about at the moment... N-Not that I like this lesson! I don't! B-but, I don't want to let Will down, a-and I..." I realised I was close to tears. "P-please don't kick my out if this class...?"

"Calm down Nico, I'm not going to kick you out."

I lifted up my head, and stared at her in confusion. "You... aren't?"

She sighed and shook her head. "No, Nico! Will told me you couldn't make it to class, and that you might not come to the next few classes. I told him as long as you did some of the work outside of school, you would be fine. I wasn't expecting you to show up today, even."

"He... did?" Oh my God, Will, why do you have to be so nice? "Y-you mean... he actually..."

"Yes! Now go sit down, class will be starting soon."


When Will entered, I immediately ran up and enclosed him in a hug. My head rested on his chest as I whispered a thank you. Will was obviously taken aback by this, but he hugged me back nevertheless. It was nice. I could have stayed there forever, listening to his steady heartbeat with his arms wrapped around my back.

Unfortunately, he eventually pulled away, his face bright red.

"W-well, that was, um... That was nice and all, but I can't help but wonder a) why you are here before me and b) why the change in character all of sudden," he said, as we took our seats at his table.

I smiled. "Th-thank you." He looked confused. "You told the teacher I couldn't make it to last lesson...?" He nodded. "Thank you so much."

He still looked confused. "Uh, I mean... I just told her you weren't in school? I'm happy that you're grateful but... Is that not a thing people usually do? It isn't that unusual? How do you know, anyway?"

"After class last Tuesday, Miss told me that I would be kicked out the class if I was late," I explained. "I kinda thought she would kick me out for missing and entire lesson..." Will laughed. "What's so funny?!"

"It's just, you seemed so upset after she talked to you, and that's all she said? She just told you to not be late?"

I rolled my eyes. "That wasn't why I was upset on Tuesday. I just happen to be a very emotional person, who doesn't like showing their emotions. I may have shouted at the teacher... A lot... And I didn't want to leave the class because I didn't want to let you down, OK."

"Aww..." He clutched his heart. "That's so sweet..."

"I will destroy you," I grumbled.

Will giggled. "I was just messing with you, don't be so serious." We stared at each other for a few seconds. "Anyway, we should get on with the project." I nodded in agreement. "Last lesson, I wrote out a draft of the script. It's not that good but..." He pulled some paper out of his pocket and shoved it towards me. "Just tell me what you think."

I read over what he had written, which turned out to be a beautiful tale of newly-found friendship and trust and magic and the message that if you look hard enough and work hard enough, you'll find what you desire. By the end, I was left speechless.

"Will, this is... amazing!" I praised.

Will gave me a goofy smile as he rubbed the back of his neck. "It's really not that good..." he muttered, modestly.

I rolled my eyes. "Stop lying to yourself, this is great!"

"Thank you," he politely said, "I'm glad you like it! But... is there anything at all you want to change? Or add?"

I shook my head. "No, this is perfect as it is!" I couldn't help but smile at the gleam in his eyes as I praised him for his magnificent work.

"In that case... do you want to start practising?"

A/N: Gods, this chapter was fun to write! I am very happy to get away from angsty stuff for a bit and get back to some fluff. Even though it won't last... Whatever, the next few chapters will contain a lot more fluff, I promise :) Hope you enjoyed, feel free to leave comments and stuff. See you!

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