Chapter Thirty Eight

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There was silence in the hall for a moment. A moment that felt like an eternity. No one liked it, did they? They all thought it was weird, and wrong, and... God, why did we decide to do the kiss scene?! It had been my idea. Why hadn't Will stopped me? And why did Drew, of all people, have to watch it? I was going to die. Drew was going to kill me.

Will's grip on my hand tightened as we walked back into stage. Jason began to clap. Thank God he liked it, at least. Soon enough, the teacher was clapping, and a couple of Drew's friends as well.

"Why are you guys applauding?!" Drew exclaimed, immediately casting the hall into silence again. "Did you even watch that?! They kissed! Two guys kissing! That's just so... gay!"

"Drew, please leave the hall," the teacher ordered.

Drew opened her mouth, but no words came out. Instead, she grabbed her bag, and left the hall, glaring at me and Will.

"I'm sorry for her little... outburst," Miss O'Toole apologised on Drew's behalf. "But, I assure you, there was nothing wrong with your performance. In fact... it was brilliant. I've never quite seen anything like it. I mean, I've seen romances, but this... That was a brave thing you two did up there. I respect that."

I smiled. She liked it. She didn't think it was weird that we created a romance between two guys. Thank God. She informed us that she would give us a full review and tell us our grades next week, and let us leave the hall.

Jason met us at the back of the hall. "Great job up there," he praised.

"Thank you," Will replied politely.

There were a couple more performances before we were all told we could go home. I walked with Will and Jason, half tempted to continue walking with Will once I arrived at my house. However, I decided it was probably best to just go home. I had to get used to living with Persephone, and I knew that if I went round to Will's I would probably end up sleeping over and staying there for a week yet again.

I gave Will a kiss goodbye, and entered my house. Hazel immediately jumped out to meet me.

"I saw you kiss that guy!" she exclaimed. "Is he your boyfriend? What's his name?"

"Oh, that's Will," I answered. "Have I not already introduced him to you?" She shook her head. "Well, he is my boyfriend. We've been dating for around a week."

"Are you going to the dance with him? 'Cause Frank asked me earlier today, and I'm going, so..."

The dance... Of course! It must have been for all years, if Hazel was going as well.

"Yeah, we're going together," I stated.

"You should invite him over before the party," Hazel suggested, adding on that Frank was coming over as well.

I hesitated. It probably would have been as good idea to invite him over, considering the amount of days I had spent at his house. And there was nothing stopping me from inviting him over - other than anxiety. What if he didn't want to come over? What if Persephone didn't want him around? What if he wanted to surprise me with his outfit for something? What if he was already planning on getting ready with some other friends? However, I could still try, right?

It was at that moment that I received a text from Jason. It read: 'hey, so I was wondering if you wanted to get ready at my place for the dance next week? I know you are going with Will, and I'm going with Piper, and since they are both meeting up at my place to walk up once they are ready, I thought we should both surprise them :) we can go shopping at the weekend as well for our outfits if you want'

Well, that settled it. I quickly texted back, 'sure, sounds like a good idea', and turned back to Hazel.

"I'm actually going to Jason's place before the dance," I informed her. "I'll invite him round at some point, though."

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