Chapter Twenty Five

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"Ok, lovebirds, come inside," I heard Will's Dad shout from the window. "Dinner's ready."

I stood up, and held out my hand to help Will get off the floor. We made our way into the house, hand-in-hand, and took a seat at the dinner table. I wasn't particularly feeling hungry, but it would seem rude to not eat the food my best friends Dad had cooked for me. Especially after I had just kissed his son. Multiple times.

Oh god. I had kissed Will Solace multiple times. That wasn't like me at all. When had I become so comfortable with my sexuality? Usually I would just repress any feelings towards people. I would never... kiss a boy. I was still afraid of what people would think. Maybe because the only people who I ever talked about my sexuality to were either dead, or completely out of my life. And whenever I tried to talk to Dad about it, he just avoided the conversation. And the place I had grown up in hadn't exactly been accepting of anybody who wasn't straight.

But now I knew that there were people who cared. I knew there were people who could accept me for who I was. All my friends still loved me the same, even after finding out I was gay. Will's Dad didn't seem to have a problem with it - in fact, at some point over dinner he mentioned that he was bisexual.

Will's Dad was amazing, no doubt. I wished that I had a Dad like him. Sure, he was kind of annoying with how often he gushed at how cute me and Will were, and the terrible haikus he would come up with, but he had a kind heart, and that was what mattered. Will was lucky.

"So," Will's Dad began. "When did you two become official?"

Will blushed. "We, uh, we aren't official. Yet. We haven't even known each other that long."

He laughed. "Oh, come on, you two literally just kissed. More than once. There is no way you aren't dating." He turned to me. "Nico, what do you think? Are you a couple?"

I sunk into my chair. "Um, w-well, I... I d-don't... I don't know?"

"Do you love him?"

"I... I guess. Yeah."

"Then just ask him out already!"

"You know I'm literally sitting right here," Will piped up.

Will's Dad nodded. "Yup. And I stand my ground. You should just date already."

Will sighed. "Fine." He looked into my eyes - I stared back. "Nico do Angelo, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Um, I-I..." I stuttered. He was actually asking me out. William Solace, the beautiful ray of sunshine in my dark, dark world, was asking me to be his boyfriend. I couldn't miss this opportunity for a second time. This time, I knew that he loved me, with all of his heart. And I loved him back. I took a deep breath, and replied with a, "Yes. I love you, Will."

His Dad screamed with delight, and proclaimed that we were the cutest couple he had ever seen. Will glared at him, making him retreat back into his chair, before turning back to me and smiling. "Well, now that that is over with, will you also go to the school dance with me? As a first date?"

"Wait, what?" I exclaimed. The school dance. No. I was fine with going out with him, but... I couldn't cope with people knowing about us. I was in the stage where I was comfortable with my own sexuality, and the people close to me knowing, but I wasn't ready to be out to the entire world. I couldn't deal with people knowing. Not yet. But... This was Will Solace. I couldn't say no to this.

"Nico?" He must have seen the panicked look on my face. "N-nevermind, Neeks. I get that you don't want everyone else to know about us. I won't make you do anything you are uncomfortable with. I promise."

I shook my head. "N-no. I mean, yes. I mean... I do want to go with you, t-to the dance, but I don't want people to know about... us. I feel so conflicted right now. I-I'm sorry..."

"Do you want me to leave while you two figure it out...?" Will's Dad asked.

Will nodded, and his Dad left the room. He put his hand on my arm, and looked into my eyes. "We don't have to go as a couple, if you don't want to. At least, not openly. We could just go as friends. Or not at all, I don't mind. If you want, we can just hang out in private, without the rest of the school with us."

I bit my lip. Was I really about to do this? Was I really about to agree to go to a school dance? I had never been to one before. I didn't know what they were like. Maybe they weren't as bad as I thought they would be? And this would be with Will. There was no other person I'd rather have my first school dance experience with.

"Yes. I'll go to the dance with you," I decided. "As a couple. On our first date. Everyone will probably know about us by then anyway, since our performance is coming up."

Will smiled, and pulled me into a hug. Perhaps our best hug yet.

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