Chapter Seven

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"I have a crush on Nico."

Will's words echoed around my mind. Surely he wasn't being serious... right? Who would have a crush on me? We had only just met the day before, there was no way... But what if he was being serious? What if he actually did love me? Did I love him back? Could I see myself going out with him? He was certainly attractive, and he was probably the nicest person I knew. He's exactly the type of guy I'd like to date, exactly the type of person I want in my life. Despite me doing nothing that would make him like me, he did.

Or did he. What if he was lying? What if he wasn't even joking about it? What if he was purposely trying to make me feel conflicted? What if he was toying with my emotions? Making it seem like he wanted to be my friend, when really he wanted nothing to do with me? What if he decided to throw my away after a couple days, just to shatter my already broken heart?

No, he wouldn't do that. He couldn't do that. He was too kind. He was being sincere, surely.

Jason smirked at me, as if he knew this was coming. He had talked to me about him yesterday... Maybe he knew that Will had a crush on me? Or maybe he was part of Will's master plan-

Stop thinking that, I told myself. Stop thinking that Will is trying to hurt you.

I looked over at Will. He had a completely straight face, somehow. I imagined I was blushing furiously. I hoped that I wasn't. I opened my mouth to reply to him, but no words came out. Red crept up onto Will's face.

"Uh, I-I mean..." Will stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck. "I think you're a pretty cool guy, and, well... I don't know. It's too early to say anything for certain."

So he didn't mean it? I thought, sinking down even further into my chair. He's just confused about his feelings towards me. He thinks he might potentially fall in love with me in a future, but he isn't sure. Of course.

Everyone was staring at us. Not just the people on our table, but the rest of the hall. They all must of heard Will's declaration of love, and suddenly they're interested in my life. Or, more likely, Will's life. I looked around at the confused faces, none of which I recognised.

I slowly stood up, muttering an excuse under my breath. I don't know exactly what I muttered; I wasn't thinking straight. I just knew I had to get away, and that I couldn't leave without saying something, so I muttered the first thing that came to my head. It went somewhere along the lines of, "I have to go, sorry."

And then I left the hall. Leaving loads of confused students in silence, trying to figure out what just happened.

And I ran.

I ran to the one place where I could be alone, where nobody went and nobody bothered me. To the place I always went to when I needed to get away.

I ran to Thalia's Tree.

A/N: Hey! Thanks for reading. I'm sorry this chapter is shorter than the previous ones, but I felt as if it didn't need as much, and it's fine as it is. I just wanted to say that I'll probably only be able to post on the weekends from now on, because I'm back at school after the holidays when I started writing. So, yeah. I'll probably post once a week, either on Saturday or Sunday. Or maybe twice if I feel like it. I don't know. See ya!

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