Chapter Fourty Six

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"Oh, come on, Neeks, it'll be fun!"

"I... I..." I looked over at Dad, who nodded encouragingly. I smiled. "Ok. Let's go."

She took my hand, and we began to walk towards the forest. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining through the leaves, illuminating our path. The birds were singing a lovely tune, almost an exact copy of the lullaby Mum would always sing when we were little. I found myself humming the tune, and someone began to sing along.

"You are my sunshine."

She led me through the forest, skipping happily. Before we knew it, we had reached Mother's tree. The branches spread out, covered by a thousand emeralds glittering in the sun.

"My only sunshine."

She reached out her arms, and pulled herself up onto on of the branches. She called me up, begging me to join her. I shook my head, half of me afraid that I'll fall and the other half too in awe at the beauty of the tree.

"You keep me happy."

She swung her legs as she sat on the tree. After a moment or so of consideration, I jumped up to grab a lower branch, and climbed up to join her. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer. We began to laugh, perfectly happy together. Even in a place filled with... not so good memories... everything was fine.

"When skies are grey."

Our laughter stopped. I looked over at her. Tears had formed in the corner of her eyes. A sky darkened. A cold wind blew. A heart rate sped up. My vision blurred. What was happening? Everything was perfect, but now everything was wrong. Everything had tilted, changed, gone out of control.

"You'll never know dear."

Tears streamed down my face. She was on the floor. Blood stained the grass. I called her name. No response. I bit my lip. I bit down so hard that I drew blood.

"How much I love you."

At least, then, Bianca wasn't the only one.


I carefully lowered myself down, my face stinging due to the tears.


I leant over Bianca, tears now dripping onto her. I tried to steady my breathing. She was just sleeping. She would be fine. Dad would come, and he would carry her off to bed, like always, and she would wake up in the morning, and everything would be normal.


I knew that was a lie. Bianca was gone. Bianca wasn't coming back. Bianca had been taken away from this world.


I would never see her again. And it would be my fault. It was my fault, and there was nothing I could do about it. Dad would blame me, and he would hate me forever, and no one would be there to save me because the only person that ever cared for me was... gone.


The world faded to black around me, so it was just Bianca and I, surrounded by a pool of blood. I couldn't move. I was shaking. I couldn't think straight. Bianca opened her eyes.

"This is all your fault," she whispered.

I know.

"You could have saved me."

I know.

"You left me to die."


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