Chapter Fourty Nine

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"Pringle?" Will offered, as we sat backstage, waiting for our performance to start. We had spent the entirety of Wednesday, and after school on Thursday, just practising our piece. We wanted this to be perfect.

"No thanks," I said. At that moment, I wasn't feeling particularly hungry. I was too nervous about performing in front of the entire school. I knew that the whole school knew about Will and I, but... I didn't really want them to know. Our life was private, and they didn't need to know that we were a thing. Of course, they did know, and I couldn't stop that.

"Nico, take a Pringle," Will insisted. "You had no lunch today, and you probably had no breakfast. You need to eat. Accept my food."


"Accept. The. Pringle."

I groaned, but took a Pringle just to make my boyfriend happy. I wouldn't admit it, but eating the Pringle did make me feel slightly better.

Fourty five minutes till the performance. The wait was killing me. Our Performing Arts teacher sat in the corner of the room, reading something on her phone. How come she was allowed on her phone when we weren't?

Thirty minutes till the performance. Leo burst into the room.

"Who has Pringles?!" he shouted, startling the teacher so much she nearly fell out of her chair.

"Me...?" Will replied, with a slight questioning tone. Neither of us knew how or why Leo was here, or why the first thing he asked was about Pringles, as if he could sense the food from miles away.

"Share!" he demanded. Will nodded, and give him a Pringle.

"What are you doing here, Valdez?" Miss O'Toole asked, getting up from her chair.

Leo rolled his eyes. "Obviously, I'm eating a Pringle."

She frowned. "How did you get out of lesson?"

He smirked. "I have my ways."

"Leo Valdez-"

He held up his hands in defence, and quickly added, "I-I mean, I had a free period. I came over to check on these two. Jason wanted to know how they were doing." He turned back to us. "So, how are you two doing?"

Will shrugged. "Alright. A little nervous."

I rolled my eyes. "Little is an understatement."

"Oh, c'mon, Neeks," Will said, putting his arm around me. "We've done this before. It's no different to the first time."

"Yeah, except the first time we didn't have to perform in front of the entire f**cking school," I argued.

"Language, Nico," the teacher chided.

"S-sorry, Miss," I mumbled.

Will shook his head, smirking. "Nicholas, I thought you knew better than to swear. I am ashamed of you." I could tell he was joking - the fact that he said it all in a completely monotone voice was a huge clue - but I couldn't help but scowl.

"Firstly, my name is not Nicholas, we've gone over this," I complained. "Secondly, you can't say anything, because I have heard you swear. So... shut up, William."

My suddenly dramatic boyfriend held one hand on his chest in fake heartbreak. "Nico, I thought that you loved me. How could you lie so blatantly?" At this point, he was just lying to himself.

I decided to play along. "My heart. It's breaking. I cannot go on like this. How can we partake in an relationship built on lies?"

Leo burst out into laughter at the entire exchange. "Well, I don't want to get involved in your domestic arguments, so I shall leave you two to work it out between you. Just don't come crying to me after you've signed the divorce papers." He exited the room, leaving Will and I alone once more. With the teacher, of course, but she didn't count.

Fifteen minutes till the performance. I planted a kiss on Will's cheek, apologising for the whole incident that just happened. He took me in his arms, and kissed me on the lips. By the end, we were both blushing bright red.

Ten minutes till the performance. I could hear students beginning to fill up the hall. I took Will's hand, and squeezed it tight, reassuring not only him, but myself, that everything would be ok. No one would judge us. No one would bully us anymore. They would enjoy the play, and we would be completely fine.

Five minutes. I still clung onto his hand.

Four minutes. I took a deep breath.

Three minutes. The teacher walked out on the stage.

Two minutes. Will smiled at me.

One minute. We made our way to the stage.

We were still holding hands whilst we waiting for the curtains to open.

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