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We stumbled into the backyard, holding hands, laughing to ourselves. I had a bottle of champagne in my hands and Scott was carrying two glasses, yet we had decided not to exaggerate. One glass was fine, but that would be it.

We arrived at the hot tub and I pressed the button for it to start bubbling. It felt exhilarating, looking at the water and looking at Scott, knowing what we were about to do. I put the champagne next to the glasses on the floor and we both started stripping.

I took my time, wanting Scott to strip first so it wouldn't be too awkward for me. When I was done with the buttons on my shirt he was already fumbling with his boxers, seemingly insecure.

"Hey, you okay? We don't have to do this," I said, still hoping he wouldn't want to go back inside. He shook his head, thankfully.

"No, it's fine. It's just... a lot."


"Take your time." I took off my shirt, continuing with my belt and taking that off, too. Then my pants. Scott finally decided to take off his underwear, though he wanted to turn around. I wasn't going to look, but when he pulled the fabric down and exposed his perfectly shaped ass, I just- I just couldn't. My breath hitched and my fingers froze in place, tugging at the waistband of my own briefs. I quickly shook my head and pulled down my underwear, taking Scott's hand and pulling him into the water.

"God, that was something," he commented, his cheeks blushing in the soft light. I smiled at him.

"Exciting," I said. "I think I might secretly be an exhibitionist." I giggled. I noticed I was still holding his hand, but I didn't let go, looking at him instead. He frowned.

"What does that mean?"

I raised my eyebrows. "You've never heard of that before?"

He shook his head. "No."

"It's, uh- It's someone who likes to show off their body." I looked down to the water, the bubbles bubbling up and softly massaging my thighs. "Mhhm the warm water is so relaxing..." I said, trying to distract from the subject. It worked. I rested my head on the wooden floor outside, exhaling a deep breath.

"It is. It feels great," Scott admitted, smiling at me but still blushing.

"I've always wanted to try this," I said. "The hot tub. I don't know, there's just something exciting about this. I can't really name it."

"I get it. I've seen them on TV, I would never have thought I would be able to try it one day. But you've never tried it before? It's literally in your back yard."

"I know! I've been tempted to, but why would you want to go into a hot tub alone. The point is to share it with someone."

"Now you have me to share it with," he said, his voice particularly soft while he squeezed my hand, reminding me of our touch. He shot me a knowing look, smirking shyly, as if he knew I had left my hand on his on purpose. And I hated that he was right.

I had no idea where the urge to kiss him came from, but it surely wasn't sudden. When I realized it, I knew it had been there for a while. But it wasn't like before, not the need for physical contact, but so much more. My eyes flickered to his lips and quickly back to his eyes. I was unsure of this. Should I? No. I had promised him I wouldn't do anything like that without meaning it. But did I really not mean it? Fuck.

"What are you thinking about?" Scott asked, scooting closer to me. I felt his breath on my neck and it made me shiver in the hot water.

"N-nothing," I lied. "I was just- nothing."

Scott kept on breathing against my skin, but I didn't stop him. God, I wanted him so bad. But I couldn't have him. But if he wanted me to? Would I be breaking a promise if we both wanted it?

I felt his lips against the crook of my neck and I jerked slightly, terrified of the effect it had on me. He trailed kisses up to my ear and back down to my collarbone, making me chuckle because I was ticklish on my neck.

"I missed that," he breathed.


"Your laugh when I tickle you." He smiled and scooted even closer to me, our shoulders pressed against each other's now. He kept on pressing feather light kisses to my sensitive skin, making me shudder in pleasure and I had to suppress a moan. God, why was he making me feel so good? And why was I feeling butterflies in my stomach? Did this mean-?

I couldn't hold it back anymore. I turned my head around, stopping, hesitating. "C-can I, uh- can I kiss you?"

Why was I so embarrassing?

Scott didn't answer but instead pressed his warm lips against mine, and they fit so well together. Weird. We had kissed before but I had never noticed that.

I was expecting him to pull away after a moment, but he didn't, so I took that as an invitation and straddled his lap to get a better position. I had my hands behind his neck, running through the shorter hair and kissed him until we were breathless. I nibbled on his lower lip, making him moan but shut him up with another kiss.

I didn't know it was physically possible for a heart to beat so fast and hard but apparently it was - my heart was threatening to jump out of my chest. I pressed myself harder against Scott, feeling him against my thigh and smirked into the kiss.

We parted several minutes later catching our breaths, lips red and swollen. Scott looked at me, hints of a smile on his lips. "I love the way you kiss."

I blushed, looking down. I was still straddling his hips and he was still hard against my thigh. I should maybe-

"Got a little problem?" He smirked. What a tease.

"Uh- I-" I stuttered, but couldn't think of something smart to say. Of course I have a problem, you idiot, when you decide to be so hot.

"God, Mitchy..." He sighed happily, leaning his forehead against mine and breathing against my lips. "You're so fucking perfect..."

My heartbeat was out of control, I could hear the pounding in my ears and feel it all over my body. A nice warmth spread on my cheeks, tinting them red.

"You are perfect," I countered instead, flickering my eyes at him, not being able to contain my smile. He leaned back in to peck me again, blue eyes meeting mine the moment our lips parted again.

Can't Afford To Lose Another Second With You (Scömìche)Where stories live. Discover now