Promise Me

268 13 21

Scott's POV

My palms were sweating and my heart was pounding like crazy when I got out of the restrooms and looked for Mitch. I'd left him at the bar - where they were serving non-alcoholic drinks - with the excuse to have to use the bathroom, but I actually just needed a minute to compose myself. Obviously, that hadn't worked out.

Finally, I spotted Mitch talking to Kirstie right next to the bar. They were laughing about something.

I was so happy everything had worked out with Mitch being my prom date. When I'd bought the tickets a week ago, the guy in charge of the lists just raised his eyebrows at me but nodded, writing both of our names down. In that moment I swear I would've hugged anything and anyone that came in my way. I didn't, because that'd be weird. Doesn't mean I didn't want to.

I'd told Mitch about everything at lunch and he'd hugged me, thanking me and saying he loved me. This boy... He was my everything. I loved him more than words could ever express.

"Mitchy?" My voice sounded shaky and raspy when I spoke, but I hoped he hadn't noticed as I cleared my throat quickly.

"Yes, love?" He turned to me, his beautiful cognac eyes glinting in the soft lights of the room. I looked over at Kirstie, who was smiling softly at us.

"Mind if I -"

"No, of course not," she said, her eyes on mine for a moment before she turned and walked towards her date Avi, who was waiting for her at the side of the dancefloor. My eyes followed her until she put her arms around him and they started dancing. I looked over at Mitch.

"Mitch," I began, more nervous than I'd ever been, but I interlaced our fingers, praying he wouldn't notice my sweaty palm. It was quite warm in here, so that could be an excuse. "There's something I need to tell you." The smile dropped from the boy's face as he looked at me worriedly. I tugged at his hand in an attempt to make him follow me to the patio, so he did.

Thankfully, there were just two more couples outside dancing to a slow romantic love song, so they weren't paying attention and we were basically alone. I turned to Mitch, taking both his hands into mine and looked at him.

"Mitch," I said once again and he just looked at me, fear in his eyes. "Don't worry, love." I drew circles with my thumbs on his knuckles, trying to calm him down. There was nothing to worry about. For him, at least. "Everything's fine. More than fine, actually. Everything's perfect..." I saw a small smile coming back to his lips and my heart finally managed to calm down at least a small bit. "You look gorgeous today."

He did. He was wearing a black and white patterned dress (he'd told me it was a dress but he made it look like it was a long shirt to avoid controversy) paired with skin tight leather pants that were shimmering silvery in the dim light.

"Thank you, sweetheart," he said, smiling. "You look great, too. But you always do."

I hoped not to blush at the sweet compliment, but I probably did. He was too perfect.

"So," I said, now deciding on finally taking the next step and just tell him. I looked into his warm brown eyes, caught in them, enamoured and defenseless against the power of his love.

I cleared my throat again, not wanting to sound croaky.

"Mitchy, when we first met four years ago as freshmen," I started, nervous but not breaking eye contact, "I knew immediately, the moment I set eyes on you that I wanted to be yours. The way you walked so graciously down the hallway, the way you talked so passionately about art, I was head over heels for you the moment I first saw you. It broke my heart to see you unhappy, and I wanted to do anything I could to help you. Looking back, I could've done so much more, but I can't turn back time so I try to be as good as I can. I try to be what you need me to be. We started out as occasional small talks, then we went to acquaintances over to friends and even best friends. I've never been as close to anyone as I am to you. I've never been one to have close relationships with people, even those I considered my best friends were not even really close to me. But when I met you, when I started talking to you- You turned my world upside down, and suddenly I found myself craving all of those things I thought I never needed. My best friends were suddenly nothing compared to what I had when I was with you. When- when I thought you were- uh..." I scanned his face to look for something that would've told me to stop but I didn't find it, so I went on, hesitant. "When I thought you were dead, I died with you."

Mitch's eyes were wet. I didn't want to make him cry, damn it! I was trying to do pretty much the opposite.

"I tried seeing other people during our fall out and I tried to keep my promise to get over you, but... I never could. Whenever I was with Kate, I couldn't stop myself from wishing it was you instead. But apparently..." I smiled, "Apparently dreams do come true. You're a dream come true, baby." I leaned in to kiss his soft lips, tasting strawberry chapstick which made me smile even more.

"Your trademark chapstick, Mitchy," I said smiling. "Everytime I see strawberries I think of you."

He smiled in return, but his eyes were watery. He squeezed my hand to let me know he was okay, so I went on.

"I am the luckiest guy alive to have such a beautiful, gorgeous, amazing, perfect boyfriend. I honestly don't know what I ever did to deserve you, but whatever it was, I'm so endlessly grateful for you. You're my everything, Mitchy. You're my beginning and my ending. Words cannot even express what I feel for you, love. And I want you to-" Now it was my turn to get teary-eyed, but Mitch was already crying. He was holding a hand to his mouth but I could see in his eyes that it was happy tears. Nevertheless, I leaned forward and kissed his tears away before I pulled the small box out of my pocket that I'd kept there all night. My hands were shaking, but I loved him so, so much.

"I want you to remember that I love you, sweetheart." I opened the box and smiled at Mitch's reaction when he saw the thin silver and rose gold ring in the box. He covered his mouth with both of his hands, looking at me and then back at the ring.

"I'd like to see it as a symbol of my devotion to you," I explained, taking the ring out of the box and holding it out for Mitch to accept. A tear rolled down his cheek when he saw the engraving - it read yours in typewriter font.

"I'm yours, baby."

"You're too good-" He looked at me, his eyes full of love and affection. "I love you so, so much, love. More than you'll ever know," he said and leaned in to kiss me hard. I smiled when we parted, a good minute later.

"Does this mean you accept this promise ring?"

He nodded, his eyes still wet with tears. "Of course, baby." He held out his left hand and smiled brightly at me. I put the ring on his ring finger, smiling back at him before pressing another kiss to his perfect lips.

"We're promised!" he squealed in excitement, making me chuckle. I was so relieved everything had worked out well. Now I had time to regain my breath again. I stood up, keeping one hand on Mitch's.

"May I ask for a dance with my love?" I asked, kissing the back of his hand when he stood up.

"Always," he smiled before standing on his tiptoes to kiss me. "I love you, baby," he said, pecking me again.

I led him to the dancefloor and put my arms around his waist as he leaned in to me, his head resting against my shoulder. We swayed to the soft music, I couldn't even tell what song was playing, I was so caught up in the moment - everything that wasn't Mitch didn't matter. He was my everything and I felt like the luckiest person alive to be able to live this moment, right now, with him. 

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