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The no kissing while one is sick thing was killing me. Honestly, I'd rather get infected than go a week without kissing Scott.

I knocked on the door to his room, opening it when I thought I heard a faint answer. Scott was lying in his bed, his face red with pearls of sweat on his forehead.

"Hey, baby," I said and came to his bed, sitting on the edge of it and put a hand to his forehead. He was hot - this time literally. "You're feverish."

"Oh, you think so?" He caughed, groaning in pain as he did. "I hate being sick."

"Yeah, me too," I answered. "But hey, I got a little surprise for you. Maybe that'll make it better. You know what today is?"

He hesitated, before he insecurely shook his head after a while. "No?"

"May 15th," I helped. "Anything?"

"15th... Oh! Is it- we started dating on March 15th didn't we?" He coughed again.

I nodded, glad he remembered. "Yes! And you know what I noticed?"

He raised his eyebrows in question. "What?"

"We've never really gone out. On a date. So I thought... once you feel better, we could go out? Have a real date, maybe? What do you think?"

A smile spread on his lips and he nodded. "Sure! I'd love that."

His smiled warmed my heart and made me smile back. "I wish I could kiss you right now."

He sighed, the smile fading again. "Yeah..." He ran his hand through his hair. "Me too. I miss you. I mean, you're here and everything, but- it's not the same."

"I know. But..." I smirked and leaned closer to his face to press a loving kiss to his warm forehead. "I can do this."

"Stop!" His cheeks turned red and I wasn't sure if it was from the fever or if he was blushing, but I hoped it was the latter, especially since he was smiling sheepishly now.

"Did I miss anything at school?" he asked a few moments later with a raspy voice.

"Not really," I said. "We painted..."

He raised his eyebrows. "It's due next Monday, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah. But it's not much, I'm almost done."

I thought back to art class this morning. Let's say it had been very... eventful. I still needed time to process everything. Damn, I had come out to my teacher. That was one of those things you think you'll never do but you end up doing anyway, and it keeps messing with your mind because you can't believe you've actually done it.

"You don't sound too happy about it," he noticed.

I shrugged indifferently. "Yeah. I... Had a talk with Mrs Anderson. You know how she's always nice and kind and understanding and everything. My- my parents fucked me up pretty bad this week end."

"What did they do?" He sounded worried. I didn't want him to worry. I was alright, I was used to my parents being shitty people.

"After prom, when I came home in the morning, my mom... She said I was a family disappointment and that she wanted me to go to UD because they could fix me. But I told her I was going to California to study art. She said my art was crap and that I had no future."

Scott sounded as if he was gasping, but he coughed afterwards, hiding his face in the fluffy covers.

"Why on earth would she say that?" He asked, his voice breaking and he cleared his throat again. "Sorry I keep coughing, I can't help it."

I shrugged. "I don't know. I thought- I thought maybe she was right but... I mean I got accepted at freaking Art Ac, that must mean something.

"Of course it does, sweetheart. You're the best artist I've ever known."

"Thank you. Mrs Anderson also said that... And- I came out to her. I mean it's not big news, everyone already assumed I was gay since I stepped foot into the school, and since we're a couple it's pretty much out in the open, at least for the students. But teachers... That's- that's a whole different thing."

"I know. But hey-" He rubbed his thumb on the back of my hand reassuringly, his blue eyes meeting mine. "I'm proud of you."

"Thank you. Really." I took a deep breath. I didn't want to talk about this any longer. It was fine, I was alright, I had talked to my teacher, everything was okay, we didn't need to linger on that any longer.

"So... About the date?" I smiled, intertwining our fingers.

Thankfully, he noticed I was uncomfortable and dropped the topic. "Yeah?" he asked instead, eyebrows raised.

"Where would you want to go?"

"Surprise me." His smile was suggestive and I couldn't help but giggle. I would make sure it was the best date of his life. 

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