Chapter 1 My Cousins! ;)

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"Just promise me you'll be safe sweetheart and take lots of pictures. Oh! Don't forget to tell your cousins that their favorite aunt says hi.", my mom said as I was grabbing my suit case and putting it in the trunk of my car. I'm heading off with my cousins on the Magcon tour to you know keep an eye on them. "I promise mom now can you stop hugging me. I.. can't... breathe.", I told her and she let me go. "I know I'm sorry it's just I'm gonna miss you. I'll be all alone.", she whined and gave me one last squeeze. "I know just have some friends over you'll be fine.", I assured her before getting in my car. I waved goodbye as I drove out of town and to my cousins house. My cousins live in a town close by to mine. You see I live in North Carolina and my cousins just happen to be Nash, Hayes and Skylynn Grier. Nash invited me to go on the tour with them about 2 months ago when they had found out they were going. I dable on Vine myself, but I am not as famous as them.

They always try to make me be in their vines when I'm at their house, but I never do. Most of the time I'm just filiming. Oh yeah and did I meantion my dad is um kind of dead. Me and my mom have been living alone for about 4 years now and I'm finally starting to get over it. He died in a car accident with a drunk driver on the way home from work one night and everything went down hill from there with me. I shut everybody out even my mom. I lost all my friends and the only ones that really came through for me were Nash and Hayes. I don't know what I would do without them. They're like my brothers. I stopped shutting people out aout 2 years ago, but I still have trouble with getting close to people. The only person I'm really close with is my best friend Nicole.

Otherwise I'm only close with some family members. I haven't had a boyfriend for the past 4 years and I'm not planning on having one anytime soon. I continued to drive to my cousins house and jammed out to music all the way there. I drove into the driveway and parked my car taking out my bags. I had no time to do anything before Sky came running out at me and jumped on me. "LIZZY!", she screamed. Also did I mention me and Nash are the same age he's only older than me by like 3 months. "Hey kid. How you been doing?", I asked lifting her up in the air. "I've been good just getting tired of those 2.", she said pointing back at Nash and Hayes who were doing some retarded pose in the doorway.

I put Sky down and started to do a different pose than them. You know it's just something we do. "Oh no not you too!", she screamed running back into the house. I laughed at her reaction then grabbed my bag walking towards the guys. "Hey Lizzybeth.", Nash stated smiling and giving me a hug. I looked over to Hayes who was about to walk away. "Oh no you don't!", I yelled and chased him through the house grabbing him and giving him a hug. "You didn't think you were gonna get out of a cousin hug. Did ya Hayesiebear?", I asked him hugging him tighter. I always teased him for being young. It's just something fun to do. "So Lizzybeth you ready for tomorrow?", Nash asked me. "A 3 hour plane ride to go meet a whole bunch of loud, screaming boys. Yes of course I'm ready. And don't call me Lizzybeth!", I said sarcastically. "Lizzybeth.", Nash spoke and I hit his arm. "LIZZYBETH!", he screamed and I covered my ears running away from him.

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