Chapter 14 AMERICA!

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We started walking around Washinton D.C taking pictures of everything and all of us talking in different accents. Of course though one of us had to be the tour leader. Taylor was the tour leader and was walking us through the streets of Washington D.C. "And to your right you'll find a lady looking at us with a confused look on her face.", Taylor spoke and we all oohed and ahhed taking a picture of her. "Here we have it one of the many jewels of D.C. This is the Washington memorial.", he stated and we took pictures. "Shall we sing.", Taylor asked and we all started singing. "Oh beautiful for spacious skies for amber waves of grain. For purple mountain majesties upon the fruited plain. AMERICA AMERICA GOD SHED HIS GRACE ON THEE! And crown thy good with brother hood from sea to shining sea.", we all sang together loudly with people looking at us weirdly as they walked by.

We continued to walk around D.C. like this for about another hour before we decided to go eat. We all headed to the nearest Dairy Queen and ordered our food and of course got ice cream afterwards and started walking back to the hotel so we could change back into our regular clothes and just hang out for a while. Matt came to my room and Nash and Hayes hung out with the other guys. Matt came into my room and laughed when he saw my slippers. "Do you really have giraffe slippers?", he asked laughing even harder. "Yeah I didn't know there was anything wrong with them.", I pouted and he looked at me and continued laughing. "There isn't.", he stated trying not to laugh. "Apparently there is. You keep laughing!", I exclaimed. "No really really. There's not babe. I promise.", he said finally stopping his laughter.

I smiled as we just went and layed down in bed and watched some TV.


sorry this is a short chapter and here's her outfit. ( )

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