Chapter 16 PIZZA!

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We finally got to my house and NIcole already had her bags there. She's staying over night and I can't wait! She can meet Matt. We got home and I was already texting Matt telling him how my mom and Nicole really wanted to meet him. As soon as I got home and put my stuff away he texted me. "Skype?", he asked and I answered saying yes. I quickly got my laptop and got online. I called him and he answered within 2 seconds. "HEY!", he exclaimed his face really close to the camera. He looked as cute as ever when he answered and I just laughed. "Hey Matt!", I shouted and Nicole came running from my living room. You could see her in the background when she tried to jump over the couch, but epically failed and face planted on the ground.

"Nikki are you ok?", I asked laughing. Matt was watching too and was laughing. I brought my laptop over to where she was lying on the ground and opinted the camera at her. "Hi!", she stated in pain and I laughed even harder. I set my laptop down so I could help her up. She dusted herself off and walked over to my laptop. "So you think you can just waltz on in here and date my Elizabeth?", she questioned him. "Well I was hoping I could cause you know I really like her. I think she's amazing and beautiful.", he smiled and I blushed. Nicole turned back to me and raised her eyebrows and winked at me. "Yup he's a keeper. It's bonus because he's cute too.", she said the last part quietly. "You know I heard that right?", he asked and she had a face like a deer in head lights.

He laughed at her reaction and then my mom walked into the room. "Hey what do you guys want for supper tonight?", she questioned not seeing that we were skyping. "PIZZA!", we screamed in unison. "JINX! DOUBLE JINX!", we yelled again and Matt looked at us in question laughing again. "Hey girls guess what?", she asked. "What mama?", I questioned her. "You guys get a week off next week! You up for a little road trip?", she told us and we smiled at each other. She still doesn't know about skype. "Yeah where to?", I asked. "Well we could go see your boyfriend. I mean if you want.", she said and I smiled. "Hey Matt do you have next week of school off?", I asked him and my mom looked surprised. "Oh my gosh is that him!", she exclaimed and I nodded my head giggling. She ran over behind the camera and waved to him energetically.

"Hi!", she exclaimed and he laughed. "Hello.", he drug out the 'o'. "And to answer you question yes I do.", he smiled and I looked back at my mom. "Can we like pick him up and take a road trip to um like where do you guys wanna go?", I asked them. "LET'S GO TO NEW YORK!", Nikki screamed in my ear and I smiled. "What do you two think?", I questioned and they both smiled. "Let's do it.", my mom stated and I laughed. "Hey babe then you can meet my parents!", Matt said excitedly. "Yay!", I smiled fakely. I'm kind of nervous to meet his parents. So I guess its a plan then. We're going to New York! Soon after we ended the call the pizza delivery guy had gotten here with our pizza. We all sat and ate in my living room while watching some movies. Ahh even though I had to leave Matt this has still been an amazing day. :)

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