Chapter 10 Morning Sleeping Beauty!

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I woke up the next morning bright and early with the guys. "Goodmorning Sunshine!", Hayes exclaimed and I gave him a death glare. My hair was every where and frizzy as it usually is in the mornings. "Oh goodmorning Sleeping Beauty.", Nash joked and I gave him a glare right back. I got up out of my bed and went into the bathroom. I started to brush my hair and put detangler in it. ( her outfit- ) I finally came out of the bathroom and the boys looked at me. Everyone was now in here and they were all just staring at me. "What?", I asked. "Nothing you just look um amazing.", Jack G. choked out. I blushed and Nash came over and stood in front of me. "Hey guys thats my cousin your talking about.", he glared at them and I laughed. "Nash I'm fine.", I said and he stepped away.

Soon enough we left and went down to the place where we'd be for the day. "Alright so let me show you to the Reck room.", the lady said to us as we followed behind her. I could tell the guys were checking her out. Well all except Matt. I looked over at Matt and nudged him. He smiled and nudged me back as we walked into the room. "Alright good luck today boys and hotel security will be with you if you need them." she smiled and walked away. We went inside the room and looked around. It's huge! "So what do you guys wanna do?", Carter asked everyone and I saw Cam running around before he found some giant exercise balls.

"Oh god.", I facepalmed and everybody grabbed one. I decided to join in and grabbed one. We started throwing them at each other. It was like a giant game of dodgeball until somebody came in. "Excuse me, but can I interuppt?", the lady said. She was all dressed up in like this buisness look. "Yeah. What do you need?", Aaron asked the lady. They must know her. "Who's that?", I questioned Carter who was right next to me. "Oh that's the tour manager lady. We call her boss man when she's not around. Oh an she can be a bit crabby at times.", Carter whispered and I laughed at his facial expression. He had like a disgusted look on his face. "I need you guys to be a little quieter. Wait did I hear somebody laughing?", she questioned. Everybody fell silent. All I could think was oh no here comes Curella.

"Excuse me young lady, but I don't think I gave anyone permission in here to laugh. Now did I?", she asked me and I looked at her. "I didn't know I needed some chics permission to laugh.", I retorted and she looked at me in astonishment. "All of you get back to rehearsal! I expect to see and hear that next time I come in and you. I don't want to be hearing another peep out of you.", she told me poking me. "Peep.", I smirked and she left the room. The boys started laughing after she left and I smiled. "Seriously did you just go peep?", Jack J. asked. "Yes I did.", I stated proudly and the boys laughed even harder. "Wow.", Aaron laughed. "Hey let's do a run through of the Cameron Dallas song!", Cameron shouted. "What's the Cameron Dallas song?", I questioned and they looked at me shocked expressions filling their faces. "Well you'll just have to see.", Carter said creepily from behind me. Shawn went and got his guitar and they sang the song for me to listen to.

"It's Cameron Dallas.", they finished and I clapped. "Bravo! Bravo!", I clapped and they bowed.

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