Chapter 21 Walking Around New York

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I woke up earlier than everyone else yesterday. It was around 8 when I woke up and I went down stairs to get breakfast while everyone was still fast asleep. I snuck out the door and soon had gotten a text from Nicole. "Hey wait for me.", she texted and I waited at the door before she came out of her room. We both giggled quietly and made our way downstairs. We walked into the breakfast room and started to make our stuff. I had made like 3 waffles and eaten them all with a bowl of cereal while Nicole ate 2 waffles and a bowl of cereal. By the time we were done Matt and my mom had come down and were just about to start eating. We left them there alone in the awkward silence so that we can just go get ready.

I quickly changed and did my hair because today would be the day that we can just walk around New York City and tomorrow we're going to the Boardwalk. I just can't wait. This is all gonna be so much fun! (her outfit- ) Once we were done getting ready my mom and Matt had walked in from breakfast. Matt quickly ran to his room for some unknow reason and they had both changed quickly so we could leave. "Let's roll!", I said and everyone followed me out the door. As we walked down the streets of New York I looked around at all the little stands that were set up and some people in big trench coats. It's exactly how I pictured it. Nicole saw something she wanted and ran across the busy street and over to the stand.

"NICOLE!", I screamed as I ran after her and my mom and Matt followed. Once we were over there some guy came out from around the corner. He looked about our age. "How can I help you?", he smiled at me and NIcole and I just laughed. "Um I wanted that uh bag.", she pointed to it. The guy got it down for her and handed it to her Nikki's eyes glowing. She flirts with everyone. "How much?", she questioned. "Oh 15.", he told her and she handed him the money before we left the small stand to continue walking. I had just sent a text to the pizza guy. I just want a new friend. There's nothing wrong with it being a guy anyway. Is there? After about 2 minutes he had texted back.

"Hey this is Elizabeth right?"


"Ok so what's up? :)"

"Oh nothing just walking around New York :P"

"That sounds like fun."

"Yeah it is my friend just about got hit by a car and so did I, but otherwise it's been fun."

"R u ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Good I don't want you to get hurt."

"You um barely know me. 0_o"

"Yeah, but you know I kinda um like you. I want to get to know you better. Maybe tomorrow night."

"Uh I can't sorry. I'm really busy tomorrow."

"C'mon it's just one night."

"I can't."

"Why not? :("

"Because I'm busy."

"Ur just making up excuses."

"I have a boyfriend!"

"You do?"

"Yes I do now I have to go."

"No you don't you just want to cuz it got awkward."

"Bye.", I replied and Matt looked at me. I was quite mad at him now. Why would he pressure me like that? I mean he needs to learn about space. "Hey who were you texting?", Matt asked concerned after seeing my expression. "It was just a friend.", I told him. "Are you ok? You seem mad.", he questioned. "Yeah he just made me a little mad that's all.", I said and he believed me. He kissed me on the cheek and put his arm around me pulling me close. I smiled up at him and we continued walking around the city.

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