Chapter 28 FOOD!

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Wow it's only the second show of Magcon and we've only been in Greenland for about 2 days and we already trashed all of our hotel rooms and started a riot at a local mall. We are just terrible. I felt really bad for the lady who was stuck cleaning our rooms because when I say we trashed them I mean trashed! There was just shit every where. I mean it was kind of funny, but still. Anyways today is their second show in Greenland and like usual I'm just supposed to stand back and let them do their thing. It's kind of fun to watch because the shows are never ever the exact same. Every show is different which makes going to all of them fun for me.

As we made our way down to the room they'd be performing in we were attacked by fans. I just stepped back and watched everyone swarm around. After the boys had finished signing autographs and taking pictures there was this one girl that was gonna take a pic with Matt. I'm used to Matt getting kissed on the cheek and it doesn't bother me because I know they like him too. I have to share. One thing I never want to see though is a girl kissing him on the lips. I would probably flip out if that happened. Anyway the girl made her way over to Matt and put her phone out with the camera facing them and she kissed him taking the picture! She kissed him on the lips! I glared, shook my head and pushed through the group to walk away. I'm not taking that.

As soon as I was around the corner I slid down the wall putting my face into my knees. That's when I heard someone coming around the corner. "Hey.", Taylor spoke softly. I looked up at him. "Hi.", I said wiping away some tears from my face. "You wanna come see Matt telling off that chick. It's kind of funny?", he asked putting his hand out. I took it and got up. We made our way around the corner and over to where Matt was. "Listen I just don't do that stuff.", Matt told the girl. "Why not?", she pleaded. "Because I have a girlfriend. I just got her back and I don't want to lose her again. The month that we were broken up was the worst month of my life. She's amazing and I wouldn't trade her for anyone or anything in the entire world. And now she ran off and is probably somewhere crying. So I'm sorry, but I think it's best if you would just leave now.", he explained and I smiled behind him. I walked up and tapped on his shoulder.

"Matt.", I said and he turned around looking at me. "Liz! I'm so so so so so sorry. You know I love you.", he apologized and I laughed. "Matt calm down I'm not mad. Well I was, but then I heard what you said and I'm not anymore.", I told him and he smiled kissing me on the cheek. He put his arm around me and we continued on our way to the main hall thing where the guys would be performing in about an hour or so. Once we got in there the first words that came out of anybody's mouths were I'M HUNGRY! I laughed as everyone started to make loud moaning noises. "I'll order pizza.", Carter said and he called the pizza place from down the street. We waited for about 20 minutes and soon enough like 3 pizzas had been delivered. "FOOD!", Taylor screamed running and diving for the pizza. "Wait let's divide this equally.", Cameron said. "Every man for themselves!!!!!!", Matt yelled and we all dove for some. I ended up with like 3 pieces and so did Matt. Cameron only had like 1 piece. Poor guy he's gonna be hungry. I walked pver to him and gave him one of my pieces and he smiled. "Thanks Lizzybeth!", he screeched and I laughed as he pulled me in tightly for a hug. Being careful on not hitting my wrist.

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