Chapter 25 Reminders Everywhere!!

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I woke up this morning in my room with Matt. The guys all insisted that we stay together. So when I'm in the room he's not and when he's in the room I'm not. That's just how it works. I got out of bed and walked over to my bag to grab clothes so I could shower and anote fell out of my jeans pocket. I picked it up and read it aloud to myself. "You're worthless. You don't deserve to be here. Why don't you just go suicide already? Everybody's waiting. Just do it. Nobody will care. Nobody loves you. Here's the tool to get you started. Love, the whole school.", I read and remembered. I had just gotten this note yesterday in my locker. There was a razor taped to the bottom of the note. I started to cry quietly and leaned up against the wall. I kept reading over and over not knowing why, but I was. It just kept me wanting to do it.

No I can't do it. People do care. I then remembered my conversation with Cam yesterday and then the one with Matt. To get all the awful thoughts out of my head I went into the shower and turned the water on hot. After that nice shower I dried off changed and then plugged in my ear buds. I needed to drown out the world. I walked into the hallway to meet the guys who were all happy and bouncy and they all looked at me when I came out. I just smiled and we went down to the main hall where they would be performing. As soon as we got in there my ipod had changed songs. It was on shuffle and then all the sudden I heard a familiar beat. I realized what it was once I heard the words. It was You and Me by Lifehouse.

Taylor came over and looked at my ipod. "Whatcha listening to?", he asked and I took an ear bud out. "Oh I love this song!", he exclaimed and unplugged my head phones and plugged my ipod into the big speakers. "Alright now everybody find a partner!", Taylor said into the mic. Everyone had foiund one. Nash and Hayes, Taylor and Cameron, Aaron and Shawn, Carter and Jack and Jack did like some 3 thing and me and Matt were left alone. He knows this is our song and he avoids me. Nash walked over to us and pushed us together and made us dance then went back to Hayes. "Well this is awkward.", I stated hoping he wouldn't hear me. "Well kind of. This was our song. Why were you listening to this anyway?", he questioned. "Because my ipod was on shuffle.", I told him. The rest of the time we said no more words and I just walked out of the room.

I was gonna cry and I knew it so I told them all I had to go to my room. I went into my room and got out the note with the razor. Am I really going to do this? Yes I am. I started to cut and made one little cut into my wrist before the door burst open to reveal a worried Matt. "What are you doing?", he yelled in concern. I dropped the small blade and Matt ran and got the emergency kit from the bathroom. He wrapped my wrist. "Why did you do this?", he asked me and I still couldn't get out any words. I was ashamed of what I had done. "Why?", he asked again. "Because I'm worthless. I don't deserve to be here. Nobody loves me and nobody cares. Especially not you!", I screamed out and burst into tears. "You are not worthless. You're beautiful and I do care. I do love you and I'm so sorry that I didn't see any of this before. Elizabeth I love you.", he said and was looking into my eyes the whole time. He then kissed me and I felt a feeling of relief and butterflies in my stomach. I just have to say it was the best feeling ever.

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