Chapter 32 After all we've been through...

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This is killing me. I can't believe that she doesn't remember any of us. What am I gonna do when I have to seperate from her? What if she still doesn't remember and finds someone new? I just can't let that happen. I love her for goodness sake and I'm not gonna let her go...ever. 


Today I get out of the hospital. It's already been a couple days and I've spent most of my time laying down and getting to know the boys all one by one as they come into my room alone. Each time Matt comes in he has a fake smile on his face and it seems like his just barely pulling through the time he's in that room. I waited in my room for one of them to come pick me up. Of course I don't know who, but it's one of them. I waited for another 10 minutes before I saw Matt come through the door. "I'm here to pick you up.", he said solemnly. "Ok.", I smiled at him before I took his hand in mine. "What are you doing?", he asked having no idea what was going on. "Well we are dating aren't we?", I smirked looking into his eyes making him smile. He looked into my eyes. "Thank you.", he spoke looking like he was about to cry.

I wiped the single tear that slipped down his face and he put a hand on my face carressing it. Before I could say anything we both started to lean in and he kissed me. It's a feeling and it doesn't feel surprising it feels...familiar. Wait a minute! Carter, Cameron, Aaron, Nash, Hayes, Matt, Taylor, Jack and Jack, Shawn! I remember everything. I quickly pulled away from Matt. "I'm so sorry.", he apoogized taking my reaction the wrong way. "Don't be sorry! Cause you know what Matthew Lee Espinosa?", I asked him. "What?", he questioned at first not noticing before I gave him a little smile and eye brow raise. "Oh my god you remember!", he screamed picking me up and spinning us around. We went back quickly and told the guys everything. The rest of the 2 week stay went by so fast and yet another month without the boys.

*3 Weeks Later*

It's only been 3 weeks without Matt and the next tour spot couldn't be coming any slower. The minute I woke up I had 2 texts. One from Cameron and the other from Matt. I figure I should look at Matt's first. I smiled as it said Good Morning Gorgeous and I texted him back quickly. I then moved on to Cameron's text. It was a picture and at the sight of it I was in utter shock. Everyone knows Matt is in love with Arianna Grande and what I saw in this picture definately proved it. It was a picture of them kissing. I instantly dropped my phone onto my bed. I didn't know what to say. All I know is Matt has a few questions to answer. 

"Matt um do you want to explain to me what this is... *picture*"

"Oh my god."

"Yeah oh my god what the hell Matt. I just finally started trusting you, but I never knew how much of a mistake that would be!"

"No Elizabeth! Please just listen to me."

"No Matt! You listen to me. We're over and this time for good. Yeah I love you ok, but that doesn't change the fact that I trusted you with everything I had in me. I trusted you and I loved you and all you did was use it and abuse it. Well I'm done so goodbye Matt."

"After all we've been through it's really going to end this way?"


Trusting Again (Matt Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now