Chapter 4 Food Fight!

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I went back into my room with Cam. Normally I'd be happy to share a room with him, but at the moment I'm not. He keeps flirting with Lizzy and I like her. I've liked her since the moment I first saw her on vine. She was always beautiful and the fact that she was funny was an even bigger bonus. I got a little scared when she asked me what was wrong. I mean I wanted so badly just to say. Cam needs to stop flirting with you because I like you, but you know I couldn't do that. "Hey Matt. Which bed do you want?", Cam asked me. Cameron can be a pretty chill guy when it's just him and someone else, but he can be totally crazy. If I know one thing for sure about Cam it's that he is not boring. "I'll take this one.", I told him jumping onto the bed, but soon fell off.

"Wow smooth.", Cameron laughed. "Yeah yeah laugh all you want.", I said rubbing the back of my head which I hit on the desk. I then heard a knock on the door and told Cam to go get it. When he opened the door I stayed sitting here until I heard someone talking. I instantly knew who it was and got up to go see, but my back hurt from hitting the ground. I walked over there and saw it was Elizabeth. "Hey Matt.", she said sweetly and I smiled at the sound of her voice. "Hey Lizzy.", I smiled and she laughed. "Are you ok? I heard a crash and your rubbing the back of your head?", she asked. "Yeah I'm fine I just fell off my bed.", I explained and she giggled. "Well you're smooth.", she teased and I laughed. Cameron continued to look between us then he looked at me as we were talking. "Can you give us a minute Lizzy?", he asked and she stepped outside.

"You like Lizzy.", Cameron stated and I was taken aback. Shit he knows. "No.", I retorted. "Oh so you would say that if I went and told her.", he said about to race off to the door. I stopped him. "No Cam please don't. She can't know I like her ok?", I told him and he smirked. He nodded and we went to open the door only to see Elizabeth standing there now with Nash and the rest of the boys. They all were leaned up against the door in a huddle and fell into our room once we opened the door. "You guys are so snoopy.", Elizabeth told them and I laughed. "So what are we gonna do?", Cam asked and everybody was getting up. "LET'S GO EAT!", Taylor shouted and I smiled. "I like that idea.", I said and looked at the boys.

We soon all piled into the car and I was sat next to Lizzy. Yes! Nash sat on the other side of her and they were talking. Once the car ride was over we all went inside and took our seats. I was sitting between Cameron and Elizabeth which made me happy. Cam nudged me a bit and I looked at him a bit mad. He made a face and I just laughed at him. I then looked over at Lizzy to see her just sitting there quietly.


Why does Matt have to be so cute? With his smile and his eyes and ugh just everything. I need to stop this I mean I can't like him. I just can't. Before I knew what was happening we had gotten our food and everyone was eating. I saw Nash nod at Carter from across the table. I got a little scared and before I knew it. SMACK! I had spaghetti sauce all over the side of my face. "Smack Cam!", Nash shouted and I got up out of my chair and took some of the sauce off my face and smacked Nash with it. "Smack cam.", I stated smirking and licked some of the spaghetti sauce off my face. "Oh its on.", Nash said and threw spaghetti at me, but I moved and it hit Matt instead. "FOOD FIGHT!", Cameron screamed and I got under th table quickly.

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