Chapter 22 Boardwalk!!!

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Yay it's Boardwalk time! I'm so happy about this. There's a carnival and a beach and just pure happiness around every corner. I just absolutely positively can not wait for this. (her outfit- ) We made our way out the door and to the taxi that would be bringing us to our destination. As soon as we arrived I ran towards the gate with all of them shouting and running behind me. I just kept laughing until I got up to the ticket stand. We all bought our tickets and made out way inside. I grabbed Matt and Nikki's hands and pulled them over to a random ride. After that we played games and just had the best time. Matt won me a giant monkey in a game.

As soon as we had gotten back to the hotel my mom and Nikki had headed to the beach while me and Matt went back to the room to change. I slipped into the bathroom to change into my swim suit.


As soon as I came out of the bathroom she slipped in to change quick so we could head down to the beach with Nicole and her mom. Lizzy's phone buzzed on the table and I picked it up to see who it was. It waa contact named 'Pizza Guy'. "When can I see you again?", I read in my head and put the phone down on the table. Is she cheating on me with that pizza guy she met 3 days ago?! How could she? I love her! Why would she do this to me? Soon enough she came out of the door and I couldn't help, but burst into tears. A look of concern flashed over her face. "Matt what's wrong?", she asked quickly.

"You're cheating on me!", I yelled still crying not being able to hold anything back. "What are you talking about? I'm not dating anyone, but you!", she retorted confused at my words. "Oh don't act so innocent. Your cheating on me with that pizza guy you met a few days ago! I saw the text.", I told her and she looked astonished. "What text?", she questioned. "This text!", I shouted and held up the phone to her. "When can I see you again? Really? So how long has this been going on huh? You and your stupid little fling!", I asked her. "I don't have a stupid little fling! I never wanted to go out with him. If you would read the past messages you would know!", she screamed.

"I don't even want to read them! I can't believe I ever trusted you. I can't believe I ever loved you.", I spat and her face turned to complete sadness. "If that's how you feel then why don't we just break up!", she screamed and it hit me. "Fine then. We're over Elizabeth and after this vacation I never want to see you again!", I yelled. "Fine I don't care. Goodbye Matt!", she stated before slamming the door and leaving the room. I sat down on the couch and ran a hand through my hair. Why did this have to happen? I love her. I loved her.


Once I was in the hallway I broke down on the floor. "Why couldn't he just believe me? I love him.", I whispered to myself putting my face in my knees. He never wants to see me again. Why did it have to end this way? I thought I could trust him? I thought I was going to be able to trust again. I guess I was wrong. And I guess Matt really wasn't the.... one.

Trusting Again (Matt Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now