Chapter 9 I Came In Like A Wrecking Ball!!!!

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Before we knew it the elevator started to move again and me and Matt got back up. "Yay it's finally moving!", I shouted in excitement and he looked at me laughing as I cheered. "Was it really that bad being stuck in and elevator with me?", he questioned and I looked at him putting my hand on his shoulder. "I'll never tell.", I spoke before the door opened and I got out only to see the boys walking in with our food. "Wait Lizzy!", Matt called after me and I just kept running and hid behind Nash and Cameron. "Here's your happy meals.", Nash said handing us our food. I opened and quickly looked to see what the toy was. It was Jake from Adventure Time!

Matt opened his and he got Finn. "Haha mines better!", I teased putting it in his face. "No its not!", he retorted and we argued until we all got on the elevator again. Once we got upstairs we all went to our seperate rooms so we could just relax. I sat down on my bed and turned on the TV so I could watch Adventure Time. I started watching the show as I ate my food. After we got done eating we decided that we wanted to go swimming. All of us ran through the hallway and to the pool. Once we were all in there we jumped in the pool. We started having chicken fights and me and Nash were on a team. So far we're undefeated. Next we have to take on Cam and Matt. "Your going down.", Cameron told us and I laughed. "That's what you think, but you've got weakling over there on your team. I'd say you guys are the ones that are going down.", I said and Matt got offended.

"Hey I'm not weak.", he shouted. "Whatever you say.", I laughed and got on Nash shoulders and he got on Cam's. "Ready, setty, CHICKEN FIGHT!", Taylor screamed and I laughed. We started to go and I was pushing him and he almost fell once, but came right back for me. "Who's a weakling now?", he smirked and I pushed him off. "Still you.", I stated and he came back up from under water. "I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL!", Nash yelled and I laughed flipping off of his shoulders and into the water. I then swam over to the stairs and got out of the pool. All the boys were just swimming around now while I sat in the hot tub. Then Matt came over to me. "What are you thinking about?", he asked me.

"Nothing really. Just that this has been an amazing day. Thanks to you guys I finally feel like I can be me again. Especially thanks to you.", I smiled and he looked at me in awe. "Really? Well you haven't seen half of it. Wait til tomorrow.", he told me before going an jumping back into the pool leaving me with my thoughts.


I am so happy right now! I think she's starting to like me more! Yes! I love this. "CANNONBALL!", I yelled jumping into the pool making a huge splash. "Matt what the hell!", the boys shouted and I laughed. I shrugged and started swimming with them keeping my eye on Elizabeth. She looked really upset I just wonder whats going on in that little head of hers. Oh well. As soon as we got done swimming we all went back up to our rooms so we could go to sleep because we have our first show of Magcon tomorrow. We also have meet and greets and such to do. I just can't wait for it all. Before I went back in my room Lizzy came and hugged me. "Goodnight Matt.", she whispered hugging me. "Goodnight Elizabeth.", I smiled as she stopped hugging me and went back to her room.

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