Chapter 15 DON'T LEAVE ME!

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This is it. This is the day that I have to go back to North Carolina for a month. I have to go back to school and back to practice and all that other crap, but worst of all I have to leave Matt and the guys. I mean I'll get to see Nash and Hayes a bit more because me and my mom are moving to the town their in, but I don't know what I'm gonna do without Matt and what about when I move. What about Nicole. She's my best friend. She was my only friend and was there when no one else was or could be. I don't know what I'd do without her. I need her. We had arrived at the airport and gone to the middle. All of us would be taking our seperate ways for a whole month. I got everybody's numbers, but it just won't be the same as getting to talk to them in person.

I hugged each of them well except Matt yet anyway. Everyone had parted and gone their seperate ways except for me, Nash, Hayes and Matt. Matt is gonna be in the gate next to us so we walked with him to ours. Once we were there they were calling out our gate number so that meant it was time for us to leave. "Don't leave me!", he shouted and I just laughed. He always knows how to make me laugh even when I'm upset. "I'm gonna miss you Matt.", I sniffled and he hugged me tightly. "I'm gonna miss you too, but skype me everyday ok babe?", he whispered in my ear and I smiled trying to hold back the tears. "Text me on the plane.", I told him and he nodded. I went to my gate with my suit case and walked through the tunnel to my seat. I just left one of the best things in my life. I know it isn't forever, but it sure does feel like it.


Well here it goes. I was hoping this wouldn't be going by this fast. I really am gonna miss her I mean there's nothing else I'd rather do than just go back to North Carolina to see her. I'm not gonna get to talk to her or even see her in person for like a month and it just sucks. I watched as her plane took off and sighed as a tear rolled down my cheek. I miss her already. Soon enough they called my gate number and it was time for me to go back home to Woodbridge Virginia.


The plane ride was boring. It pretty much just consisted of me texting the boys the entire time. I think I really got closest to Cameron as a friend. I feel like I can trust him and tell him everything I guess. As soon as my plane landed I got off and saw my best friend Nicole standing there waiting for me. "NIKKI!", I screamed and ran towards her with my arms wide open. "LIZZY!", she screamed right back as we hugged each other tightly. "I have so much to tell you.", I told her and she laughed. "I bet you do now c'mon.", she said dragging me along with her to see my mom and aunt. I almost forgot though that Nikki hadn't met Nash or Hayes or anything. The boys soon walked over to where I was and I introduced them. Nash and Nikki seemed to take a liking to each other. I laughed as they kept talking like crazy.

Once we had gotten in the car to go back home I was so happy. I get to tell Nicole about me and Matt oh and I have to tell my mom! "Ok guys I have some news.", I breathed out and they looked at me worried. I sat in the front seat next to my mom because of course I called shot gun. "Ok I kind of got a boyfriend.", I hesitated, but quickly stated. "OMG WHO IS IT!", Nicole shouted from the back seat. "You both know Matt Espinosa right?", I asked them and they nodded and I blushed a bit. "You're dating Matthew Espinosa!", Nikki screeched and I plugged my ears. "Yes and I'm gonna skype him tonight so you can meet him.", I explained. "Alright where's this boy from?", my mom questioned. "Virgina.", I stated and my mom smiled like she was now planning something. Uh oh...

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