Chapter 5 I'm sorry...

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"FOOD FIGHT!", Cameron yelled and I instantly went under the table. I already had spaghetti sauce all over my face and soon enough someone was under the table with me. "Guys not my hair!", Nash yelled and I laughed quietly. I turned to see who was under there with me. "Oh hey Matt.", I spoke awkwardly. I don't know what to do. "Hey Lizzy.", he said with food all over his face and some in his hair. This is the perfect time to ask him what's going on. "Matt earlier you avoided my question. I know you were lying when you said nothing. So what's really wrong?", I asked him.


Now's your chance Matt. Tell her you like her. I breathed in. "I can't tell you.", I told her. "Why not? YOu can trust me.", she begged and I looked into her bright blue eyes. "I like you...", I breathed out and she looked at me in shock. "I've liked you for a while now. I mean ever since I saw your first vine I just liked you a lot, but now that I met you it grew even more.", I explained and she continued to stare at me. "I I'm sorry Matt I just I can't.", she said going out from under the table and leaving me there with nothing, but my thoughts. What does she mean she can't? She can't what?

I got out from under the table and grabbed Cam taking him out of the room. "I told her.", I said and he looked at me. "You did?", he asked surprised. "Yeah and she said I'm sorry Matt I just can't. I don't understand. Did I do something wrong?", I explained sitting down huffing. "You didn't do anything wrong from what I've seen. Maybe she just has something going on and she just can't be in a relationship or anything.", Cameron shrugged. "Maybe, but I wasn't even asking her out. I just wanted her to know I like her. It's like she just doesn't like me and is pushing me away. You know?", I told him and he shrugged again. "Yeah I understand. Just give it time and maybe she'll come to tell you or something.", Cam explained putting his arm around my shoulder and we went back out to the food fight.


Matt and Cam have been gone for a little while. I wonder what's happening. Oh well I'm just kind of scared right now. What if I do like Matt? I mean that can't be such a bad thing can it? Ugh I just don't know. Maybe it can. Ahhhhh! Soon the two came back into the room and we all saw the waitress coming so we got up and ran out the door leaving some money behind. Once we got outside we all looked at each other and burst out laughing. "We look terrible and I'm still hungry.", Shawn whined and I laughed. "Let's go back and clean up then we can go out to eat.", Nash stated. "Maybe I won't get smacked with spaghetti sauce this time.", I said looking over at Nash who smiled widely. "You never know.", he smiled and we continued walking over to the car which they didn't let us get in so we started walking to the hotel.

"Hey guyss wanna race back to the hotel?", Carter asked and we all looked at each other and nodded. Everyone of us got in a line and we got in our running stance. "1..2...3...GO!", Taylor screamed and we were all off. I was just ahead of Nash and Matt. Cam and Taylor were right in front of me and I was like 3rd. Well this could be interesting.

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