Chapter 20 Pizza Delivery Guy! ;)

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We spent the rest of the day playing on the beach and it was just a perfect day. I had gotten taco bell. The best part though I spent it with my bestfriends. "Hey you 3 picture together!", my mom shouted from the shore. We all ran in and got in a pose where Matt and Nicole were holding me up. I smiled widely. I just can't believe that this is my life. After the rest of the day being spent at the beach we went back inside the hotel to just chill. We ordered a pizza from Pizza Hut and had them bring it to the room. I was the only on in the room because Nicole was off flirting with some random guy on the beach I bet and Matt went to go get some extra pillows and my mom is in her room in the suite. There were 3 rooms so Nikki got one my mom got one and me and Matt got one.

I heard a knock on the door and got up to go answer it. "Is this Elizabeth Grier's room?", he asked sweetly. Man this guy is cute! "Yeah hold on I'll go get your money.", I told him and he stepped in waiting for me. I grabbed my wallet and walked back into the room. "How much do I owe you?", I questioned. "Um $22.50.", he answered and I got the money out and gave it to him before he left. "Oh here's your recipt.", he told me handing me it. I noticed something written on the back after he left. I quickly turned it over and read out the number. "1380-475-7888 (don't call this number it's fake). Call me ;)", I read aloud and put the number in my phone. I know I'm dating Matt, but that doesn't mean I can't talk to the guy. Right?

After I entered it in my phone I quickly threw away the paper and watched as Nicole and Matt both walked in at the same time. I had turned on the TV to Cartoon Network and I was already laid back on the couch watching my favorite show Regular Show! "Hey babe!", Matt exclaimed and I smiled. "Hey!", I said back and continued to look at the TV. "How much did the pizzas cost?", he asked. "Recipt's in the trash!", I stated totally forgetting about the number at the moment. He got it out of the trash and look at the back of it. "Um who's number is this?", he questioned through clenched teeth. "What number? Oh wait oh the pizza delivery guy's. I didn't want it so I threw it away. No big deal right?", I explained. Well I lied, but I couldn't tell him I kept it or he would be mad at me. He breathed out. "I guess it's not as long as you didn't keep it. Sorry I just get a bit jealous.", he sighed rubbing the back of his neck. "It's fine. I did the same thing.", I smiled at him.

He walked over to the couch and sat with me cuddling and eating pizza. "Was he cute?", Nikki asked. I looked up at Matt who wasn't paying attention. "Yeah he was.", I told her and Matt looked at me. "I mean uh oh what am I saying he was hot.", I said and Matt looked down at me pouting. "I'm keeping the number then.", she stated and put the number in her phone. I laughed at her as she put the number in her phone. "Was he hotter than me?", Matt questioned me. "No of course not. Nobody's hotter than you Mattybear.", I laughed. "Except me!", Nicole shouted and I laughed again. "Yeah except Nik!", I told him and he pouted turning around and putting his face into the couch. "C'mon Matt I was kidding. I love you.", I cooed and he looked out of the couch. "I love you too.", he mumbled and I smiled and kissed his cheek which made him blush a bit.

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