Chapter 3 What's wrong Matt?

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We had finally gotten our bags and were leaving the airport. After meeting all these guys I realized that maybe this won't be so bad. I mean they're all hilarious and just so fun to be around especially Matt. No what am I saying? I can't like anybody. I'm just here to have fun with my cousins and their friends. Just friends and nothing, but friends. We stepped into a car and were drivin off to the hotel. As we drove everyone was talking and I was sitting next to Nash. Hayes had already abandon me and went to sit by Taylor and Carter. So now I'm sitting between Nash and Matt who keep talking to each other. I finally butted in on the conversation. "So what do you guys even do here at Magcon.", I asked those two while everybody else was zoned out.

"You don't know about Magcon?", Matt asked choking a bit. "Nope what is it?", I questioned. "It's a magical place where they gather all of the funniest vine guys and we just do a whole bunch of random shit on a stage.", Matt explained smiling with pride. "Wow it sounds pretty magical.", I teased. "It is magical don't ruin my dreams!", Matt yelled and Cameron looked at us. "Are you ruining my little Mattybears dream?", he asked getting in my face. I backed up a bit and put my head against the window while Cameron got in my face. "No.", I whispered in question of what was going on. "Awww danget! I wanted to get in on the fun!", Cam whined and I face palmed.

"Sorry Cameron.", I apologized. "Please call me Cam, but I also answer to look there's the sexiest beast in the entire world!", he exclaimed and I laughed. "Ok I think I'm gonna use that 2nd one once in a while.", I winked at him and he laughed. Nash was laughing too and I smiled. He's like a brother to me and I'm just glad he's not one of those over protective ones. I then looked over to see that Matt was smiling, but you could tell it was fake. I nudged him and looked at him with worry. He just looked at me then shook his head. I wonder what's bugging him? Whatever it is I will find out.

We finally arrived at the hotel we were staying at and girls were standing outside of the thing. I was in surprise at everyone that was there. When they tried to grab at me was when I got scared and grabbed onto the nearest person to me. That just happened to be Cameron. "It's ok.", he whispered to me and I smiled as we finally got inside. "Let's go up to the rooms and figure out who's staying where.", Aaron stated and we all packed into the elevator and again it happened to be Cameron right next to me. "Wow you just love to turn up where ever I look huh?", I questioned him. "Yeah it's my job to stalk all the new meat that enter my kingdom. If I don't stalk them and make sure they're ok then who will?", he stated and I laughed. "I don't know, but it seems like you're the right guy for the job.", I laughed and he smiled.

We were still just standing there closely before the elevator got to our floor and it jerked and I fell, but he caught me. "Thanks.", I breathed out then looked over at Matt who looked beyond pissed. We got out of the small space and walked towards our rooms. As we stood in front of them we started figuring out our rooms. "Ok Jack and Jack are together, Aaron and Shawn, Carter and Taylor and that leaves Matt and Cam. Of course me Hayes and Lizzybeth will all be in the same room.", Nash stated and we all went into our rooms. Before Matt could go to his I grabbed him and kept him in the hallway with me. "What's wrong?", I asked him and he just looked at me. "Nothing I'm fine.", he sighed and went to his room.

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