Chapter 8 Stuck!

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We got into the elevator and headed down the many flights. Once we hit floor 5 the elevator came to a stop. I looked at the screen and read it aloud. "We are sorry to inform you that this elevator has broken down. It may take 10 to 20 minues to fix it. Thank you for waiting.", I read. "Are you serious?", Matt asked and I nodded. We both sat down on the floor and I texted Nash. "Hey um we're kind of stuck in an elevator. It broke down and we'll be in here for like um 10 to 20 minutes so I don't know what ever you guys wanna do.", I typed and sent the message.

"I think we're just gonna go get some fast food and we'll bring you back some."


"What do you guys want? We're going to Mcdonalds."

"I want the chicken nugget Happy Meal and Matt wants the same thing. Don't forget to get me ranch!"

"I won't."

I stopped texting Nash and looked over to Matt. "Well what do you wanna do?", I asked. "I don't know. We're stuck on an elevator. There isn't much to do.", he answered and I scooted closer to him and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Whatcha doin?", he questioned and I smiled. "This is really comfortable.", I told him and looked up to see him smiling. "Can I ask you something?", Matt said and I looked at him. "Sure.", I replied and he looked down at me. "Why did you stop trusting people? Like what are you so afraid of?", he asked. Oh great well I should have known this was coming. "Ok so after my dad died my boyfriend broke up with me like the day after I found out. He didn't just break up with me. He also cheated on me with a girl that I thought was my best friend and you know ever since I've just had a hard time trusting people. I guess I'm really just afraid that its gonna happen again.", I explained letting a tear slip out of my eye.

"Wow I didn't realize it was that bad. And I made you cry. I'm so sorry Lizzy.", he apologized. "No don't apologize you, Nash and Hayes are the only ones that actually know about it.", I told him and he looked at me. "Really?", he questioned. "Yeah. I mean I guess I must really like you to tell you something like this.", I laughed and smiled a little bit letting some more tears fall down my cheeks. "You really like me?", he asked and I nodded. He then cupped my face wiping away my tears with his thumb. I got lost in his big brown eyes and found myself feeling so much better. I snapped out of it quickly and shook my head. He took his hands away. "Sorry.", he said. "No it's fine. I swear its fine.", I said and he looked at me again. "You have no idea how much I wanna kiss you right now.", he laughed and I looked at him.

"Why don't you then?", I asked him and he didn't give it a second thought before he kissed me. As soon as we pulled apart I looked at him and he was smiling widely. "So what's your story?", I asked him. "Me I'm just a kid from Woodbridge, Virgina with a camera and a sense of humor. I don't really have a story. I'm just like every other kid. You know that you were the one who inspired me to do Vine. I mean your vines were always so funny. So I just wanted to be as funny as you were. Then it kind of took off from there.", he laughed seeming a bit embarrassed. "Really?", I questioned. "Yeah I mean it was just really inspiring.", he told me and I smiled even bigger. "That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.", I blushed and he poked my cheek. "Hah your blushing.", he teased and i hit his hand blushing harder.

Trusting Again (Matt Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now