Chapter 2 Guilty!

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I woke up the next morning with two people standing over me. "Goodmorning Lizzybeth!", Nash exclaimed then pointed a camera on my face. I rolled my eyes and covered my face with the blanket. "C'mon it's almost time to go. Our plane leaves in an hour so get up and get out of bed.", he stated pulling me off of the bed. "Ok ok I'm coming.", I whined and got up off the floor so I could change into some sweatpants and a t-shirt for the flight. I threw my hair up in a quick messy bun and headed upstairs so we could leave. I slipped my believe necklace over my head as I rushed down the stairs. I never leave or go anywhere with out it. (her outfit- ) "Be safe boys and don't forget to call me every night and take lots of pictures.", their mom was telling them. "I see how you and my mom are related Auntie.", I smiled and she came over to give me a hug.

She squeezed me tightly and then whispered in my ear, "These boys will watch out for you ok? You watch out for them too for me please." She pulled away and I nodded smiling at her. We soon left the house and we were off to the airport. We walked in and took our seats next to each other because we all refused to sit by strangers. I mean who could blame us. What if they're total creepers and they try to kidnap us? A lady came over the intercom and told us that we were taking off. Well here we go...

The plane ride had been pretty boring. I slept like the whole time except I woke up to watch Mean Girls with the boys. "The plane will be landing please fasten your seat belts.", the lady said again and I woke up. My seat was already buckled and I just sat up. "Well goodmorning sleeping beauty.", Hayes smirked and I glared at him. "I'd keep your mouth shut shortie. Well that is if you want to keep your dignity for this trip.", I raise an eyebrow at him. His eyes widened then he sat back in his seat as the plane touched the ground.

Once we were in the airport we were instantly attacked by a group of rowdy boys. They tackled Nash to the ground and I stepped out of the way. "Alright Alright.", Nash said getting up off the ground. "Tention!", he shouted and th boys got in a line. "Lizzybeth this is Cameron, Aaron, Jack and Jack, Shawn, Carter, Taylor, and Matt.", he stated pointing to each one as he went, but pointed to air on the last one. "Is Matt like your guys' invisible friend or what?", I asked them and Nash looked confused. "Guys where's Matt?", Nash questioned them. They all shrugged their shoulders. We all shrugged and started walking towards the doors to leave before a blonde haired boy burst through the door and tackled Nash to the ground. "I missed you Nash! Don't leave me again!", he yelled and they got up. "Hey Matt I was just introducing the guys to Elizabeth over here. She's my cousin.", Nash explained pointing at me.

"Oh um sorry I'm late. I'm Matthew Espinosa the 3rd. I'm glad to meet your acquaintance my lady.", he said bowing and I decided to play along. "Oh the honor is all mine sir. I mean you seem like a nice boy yourself.", I curtsied before him and he came up from his bow smiling. "I think I can get along with her.", Matt stated pointing to me. "Let me try this again. I'm Matthew, but everyone calls me Matt. It's nice to finally meet you.", he smiled and I laughed. "I'm Elizabeth, but everyone calls me Lizzy, but unless you wanna get on my bad side don't call me Lizzybeth.", I glared at Nash who put his hand up. "Guilty!", he shouted in a girly voice.

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