Chapter 19 Roadtrip!!!!

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I woke up the next morning in Matt' arms and I was definately happier than ever. I jumped out of bed and grabbed my clothes so that I could go change in the bathroom. We would be leaving in like 30 minutes or earlier depending when everybody wakes up. Soon after I had changed and was ready for the day Matt, NIcole and my mom walked down the stairs dressed and ready to go. (her outfit- ) "Hey isn't that Taylor's baseball jersey?", Matt asked and I looked down at it. "Maybe. I may have kind of stolen it from him before we left the tour.", I smiled and he laughed shaking his head. We had all gotten our bags and were ready to go. "Bye sweetheart.", Sarah smiled and Matt went to hug her. "Bye mom I love you.", he stated. "That wasn't for you. I was saying goodbye to Elizabeth.", she stated hugging me. "Take care of Matt for me. He can be a bit crazy at times. So good luck.", she whispered and I pulled away laughing a bit.

She hugged Matt and everybody else before we got into the car and were off on our way to New York. "ROADTRIP!!!", I screamed once we got in the car. Nicole was in the front seat while me and Matt were in the back and of course my mom was driving. It wasn't long before we were all fighting about where we were gonna go eat. "I WANT TACOBELL!", I shouted. "WELL I WANT MCDONALD'S!", Nikki yelled at me. "No TACOBELL!", I screamed back. "No MCDONALD'S!", she shouted at me. "You know what we're going to Mcdonald's now and we'll go to Taco Bell at lunch time. I don't think any of us wants tacos for breakfast.", my mom stated ending the fight before we went through the drive through at McDonald's.

We were already in Maryland and had finally found a Taco Bell. "YAY TACOS FOR LIFE!", I yelled running into the small mexican resturaunt. "She's crazy.", Nicole laughed. "Yup that's perfect.", Matt laughed running after me. I ran inside quickly and made my order before my mom and Nicole had even gotten in here. "Jeeze slow pokes. Oh and she's paying for mine. ", I told the cashier pointing at my mom who was ordering her food. "What if I don't wanna?", my mom asked. "Then you'll be sorry when we get in the car. If I don't have my tacos then I'll go loco.", I told her pointing to my head. She laughed paying for everything. Once we had gotten out of taco bell we were on the road again.

Before we knew it we had arrived in New York. We were driving over to the beach side hotel where we had a suite booked. "I hope they have a pool!", Nicole exclaimed. "Nikki we're staying right next to a beach.", I stated obviously. "Oh yeah. Yay an even bigger pool!", she shouted and I just laughed as we finished checking in to the hotel. We had all gone up to the room and changed so we could go have some fun on the beach! Once we got outside to the beach the first thing I did was take a picture of the ocean and sent it to the all the boys. "Jealous?", is what I put with the picture and I got a picture back from Cameron of the ocean in California with "No." writtien with it. I laughed and texted all of them and took another picture with Matt. "You have Matt and not me. Wow thought we were friends.", Jack J. texted me back.

"Sorry.", I texted back and laughed. "Hey um did you steal my jersey? I can't find it any where?", Taylor asked me. "Um I may have, but look how good it looks on me.", I sent him with a picture of me in the jersey. "I want it back :(" "Well you can have it back next month I promise." "You suck." "I know bye Tay-Tay love ya!" "Love you too >:(" I laughed at the last message and put my phone down before running into the ocean with everyone else. (her beach outfit- )

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