Chapter 24 Seeing Him Again.

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It's been a little over 3 weeks since me and Matt broke up and it's been a month since I've seen any of the other guys. None of them know except Cameron. I mean at least someone knows. Tomorrow we all leave to go to Magcon again. Matt still doesn't know that I'm coming back. Truth is actually I haven't talked to Matt since we got back from New York. We haven't skyped once even though I've been telling Nicole that we have. My mom still doesn't know because I tell her the same things that I tell Nikki. I've been talking to Cameron all day while packing my things to go to Greenland for 2 weeks. They all planned this that we would go to Greenland for 2 weeks instead of 1 because then we all have more time together.

"Well bye Cam. Thanks for talking to me all day. I'll see you tomorrow.", I stated to him over skype. "Yup bye Lizzy. Can't wait til tomorrow!", he said excitedly and I waved goodbye before ening the call. I zipped my suitcase and quickly drifted off to sleep. To tell you the truth I'm not really too excited about tomorrow. 1. because I have to ride on a 7 hour flight to Greenland with Matt on the plane. Which Nash and hayes will probably make me sit by him. 2. I have to spend an extra week there with Matt. You know what all my problems with going to Greenland have to do with Matt so just know that. I drove off to the airport with Nash and Hayes. Nash being able to drive and all. Once we got there Matt was waiting at the door. And that's when the awkwardness started.


It had been a boring 7 hour being stuck next to Matt. You know I had to keep the shrade up for Nash and Hayes though. Once we had gotten our bags we found all the other boys. Most of them were sleeping in the area where we found them. It was funny because Cameron was snoring and I took a picture of him and put it on instagram with the caption 'So cute!!'. Then I poked his cheek so he would wake up. Before we left Matt grabbed my arm and took me around the corner. "What are you doing here?", he asked harshly. "Like I told you at the last shows. I'm going to all of the shows with my cousins. Sorry if this is an inconvienence for you.", I apologized. "Whatever.", he rolled his eyes and we came out from around the corner.

At this moment I wanted to cry about all of this. It's not worth it anymore. I'm tired of Matt and everyone else. I'm just done. Once we were in the car we were all driven off to the hotel. I was sitting next to Cameron who at the moment was the only person I was willing to talk to. I haven't talked to Nikki much or my mom. More than I have to anyway. I also haven't spoke a word to any of the other guys except that small conversation with Matt at the airport. "Are you ok?", Cam whispered to me. "Yeah I'm uh fine.", I hesitated and he looked sincerely down at me. "I'm gonna ask again. Are you ok? You haven't talked since we got here and I'm getting worried.", he told me and I just shrugged. "I told you Cam I'm fine.", I snapped and felt bad afterwards. "Well you didn't have to be mean about it.", he turned the other way looking upset. "Cam I'm sorry.", I apologized. "You know just because your being crabby with everyone else. Doesn't mean you have to be crabby with me. If you didn't want to talk about it you could've just said so.", he spoke.

"But Cam I'm sorry.", I pleaded. "I know.", he stated and that was the end of our conversation.

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