Chapter 18 Getting to know me...

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We were going out to eat at 6:30 and in this time I have already met his brothers and sister. They were all so nice. Soon enough though I had to go get ready for dinner. Me and Nikki had brought nice dresses. I'm not usually the one to wear a dress, but every once in a while I will. (her outfit- ) I walked down the stairs and Matt was standing at the bottom and when he finally turned around his mouth dropped open. "What does it look bad?", I asked. "No it looks amazing!", he exclaimed and I smiled blushing a bit. "Matt honey close your mouth your going to catch flies.", Sarah stated and I giggled and he blushed madly. I came all the way down and we drove off to the resturaunt. Their family has a van so we all got in that.

 Once we had arrived the man showed us to our table and I sat between Matt and Nicole. I was starting to get really nervous because of some of the questions they may ask. "So sweetheart where are you from?", Sarah asked. "I'm from um North Carolina.", I told her and she smiled. "Oh well tell us a little bit about yourself. Wait a minute where's your father?", she questioned. I tensed up quickly and Matt looked at me. "Are you ok?", Matt whispered in my ear and I nodded lightly. "Um my dad died 4 years ago when I was in 6th grade.", I explained. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I didn't know.", she apologized and I smiled holding back all the tears that wanted to come flowing out of my eyes. "Oh it's ok, but is there anything else you wanna know?", I asked. "Um how did you and Matt start going out?", his sister asked me. Matt smiled and looked at me his eyes practically pleading that he could tell the story.

I nodded lightly again and his smile got wider. "Ok so it was a day of meet and greets and some girls kept insulting her so I got mad. Then at the 5 minute break we had she took me around the corner and calmed me down so I could be happy again.", he started. "Then he asked me out in the sweetest way possible. He said Well I know how you can make me happy again then he asked me out and it was just so cute.", I finished and everyone smiled. Then the waiter came up to our table. It was a girl like an our age girl. Well here we go. "Can I take you order?", she asked politely. We all said our orders and she walked away winking at Matt. Well that was uncalled for. I sat there in silence my anger rising a bit. Matt must have noticed because at that instant he put his arm around me and kissed my cheek.

"I'm yours and only yours. Don't be jealous.", he whispered and I smiled my anger going away. After about 20 minutes the food had come and the same waitress slipped a piece of paper in Matt's jacket pocket. "What does it say?". I asked curiously. He opened the note while everyone else began to eat. "It says meet me out back in an hour if you want me to show you a good time. ;)", he stated as I read along. I took the piece of paper and put it in my jacket pocket. "I'm guessing you're mad.", he said and I looked at him. I nodded quietly and began eating my food. By the end of the dinner I had gotten to know everybody very well. We had driven back to Matt's house and I was still a bit mad about that note.

"C'mon babe what can I do to cheer you up?", he asked. "Nothing. I just wanna go to sleep.", I told him and he grabbed my hand taking me outside to his backyard. "What are we doing?", I questioned. "I wanted to tell you something and I'm gonna make it special. I wanted to tell you that I love you.", he smiled and I looked into his eyes to see if he was serious. "I-I love you too.", I stuttered and hugged him tightly. "Did that make you happy?", he asked. "Yes.", I said simply before we went back inside.

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