Chapter 27 Coming Clean with All.

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It was time for us to go back down to the boys. I guess I need to explain what happened. I mean they deserve to know. After all they are my best friends. "Are you ready?", Matt asked me still holding onto me and not letting go. "Yeah I need to come clean. It's time for people to know. Especially Nash and Hayes.", I smiled and we walked back to the main hall. "Hey they're back!!!!", Carter screamed and ran over to us and hugged me and Matt. "Guys I need to talk to you.", I spoke quietly and seriously after Carter had lat go. Everyone sat down on the floor in a circle. I was sitting between Nash and Matt because Cam still wasn't speaking to me. I wonder what got his panties in such a wad.

I breathed out carefully and started to talk. I had told them the whole story and what had happened in New York and what happened upstairs in the hotel room. They deserved to know. "Well that's it. I thought you should all know because your more than just my friends. Your my family.", I finished and they all looked surprised, but smiled at the end. Cam still hadn't said anything to me, but I did start talking to all the guys again. I always tried to talk to Cameron, but he just ignored me. Before it just seemed like he would actually acknowledge that I was talking to him, but now he's just completely ignoring me. That's it. "Cameron Alexander Dallas! I need to talk to you right now.", I stated loudly. He looked back at me and all the boys were looking at me. "C'mon.", I grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the room.

"Cam what's going on? Why won't you talk to me? And why are you ignoring me?", I questioned him. "Because do you know how worried I've been about you. When you told us about thinking about suicide and wanting to die. I just felt like I wanted to die. I mean why would you even think about something like that. Your like a little sister to me and I can't let anything happen to you and I just don't want you to be hurt. I'm sorry for ignoring you it's just I was thinking about all of it.", he explained and breathed out looking at me with concern. "Oh Cameron. You're the best big brother I've ever had.", I smiled and hugged him tightly. "Just please be safe. Ok Elizabeth?", he asked. "I will. I promise.", I stated and we went back inside.

Once we got back inside Matt had run over to me and scooped me up right off the ground bridal style. I giggled uncontrolablly. Then again the 'boss lady' came in. "BOYS!", she screamed and Matt put me down and we all got in a line and put our hands up to salute. I don't know why, but we did and it just happened. "I need you to calm down now. We are already getting complaints and you've only been here for a few hours!", she yelled at us and we all nodded. "Good now wait what are you doing here again?", she asked coming up to me. "Um. I'm coming here to every show. Remember?", I told her. "Oh well I'll have my eye on you.", she stated pointing her nimble finger at me and walking out of the room. "Jeez. What did I do to tick her off?", I asked. "As she would say to any of us. You were born.", Taylor told me and I shrugged and we continued doing what we were doing.

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