Chapter 23 Telling Cameron.

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As soon as I had finally pulled myself together I stood up to walk back into the room. I want to at least try to sort this out with Matt. I mean him. I opened the door and walked inside to see Matt sitting on the couch. "Matt can we talk?", I asked softly. "What is there to talk about?", he questioned. "You cheated on me and there's no fixing this. I'm sorry Elizabeth.", he finished. "If you were sorry you would let me explain!", I raised my voice. "There is nothing to explain.", he stated. "Matt I love you!", I yelled and he looked at me shocked. "I love you too Elizabeth, but there's no way that I can be with you after this.", he started. "I'm really sorry.", he finished it. I just stopped trying. There was nothing I could do.

Matt had left the room to go down to the beach and act like nothing was wrong. I sat down on the couch and did the only thing I could. I called my best friend. The one I could trust for sure. I called Cameron.


"Hey Lizzy! What's wrong you sound upset?"

""Oh it's just things with Matt haven't been working and he thought I cheated on him and we had a fight and he broke up with me. I just don't know what I'm gonna do!", I started crying again.

"Hey hey. Calm down. Everything is gonna be ok."

"No it's not I love him."

"I know you feel that way, but what exactly did he say."

"That after this vacation he never wants to see my face again."

"Wow that's harsh. What are you gonna do for the rest of the vacation?"

"I don't know I have to pretend like nothing's wrong. I don't think it will work, but it has to."

"Ok you can call me or text me whenever you need to. I'll be here for you no matter what."

"Thanks Cam, but i gotta go."

"Anytime Lizzy. Bye!"

I hung up the phone and put it in my bag and headed down to the beach. If I was gonna pretend like nothing happened then I'm gonna pretend pretty damn well and Matt knows he has to too. Once I was to the beach I pulled Matt aside to explain some things. "Matt if we're gonna pretend like nothing happened we have to pretend good and I mean act like we're still dating because if they find out we'll have to go home tomorrow and I don't want to and I know you don't either.", I explained quickly. "I get what you mean. Like so I just have to act like I was when we were dating. I'm cool with that.", he smirked. "Wait wait wait I thought you hated me?", I questioned slightly confused. "I don't hate you I'm just disappointed and upset with you. I just you know. I thought you were different. Like someone I could trust and I guess I was wrong, but it's ok. Let's just go get this all over with then we can go home and not see each other again.", he told me. Well you'll see me at Magcon.

His words made me sad, but I was still ok and I gave myself a minute before I walked back out there behind Matt. "Hey babe! What took ya so long?", he asked already starting up the act. "Um I had to run back to the hotel to get something.", I answered questioning at first, but getting used to it a bit. He then came over to me and put his arm around me. "Matt you don't have to act that well.", I whispered to him. "Hey this is what I usually do so just go with it.", he whispered back and I didn't question him.


I walked into the hotel room with Matt. Nikki and my mom had gone off to do their own things. Nicole went shopping and my mom went to go get us all food. "Alright Matt. What was all that down on the beach? You were hugging me and kissing me and you never even did that before when we were dating!", I yelled at him. "Oh I know I was just playing.", he stated. "Yeah well stop playing. I don't like games.", I told him and his smile faded. "Look Elizabeth I'm sorry.", he apologized, but it was too late I was about to say something that I didn't want to say. "This is why I never trusted you!", I shouted and he looked astonished. "Wait you never trusted me?", he asked. Oh no what did I say? "I don't know. I guess I just never really trusted you, but I don't trust anybody. I only trust Nash, Hayes. Nicole and Cameron.", I listed them all. "Well why don't you just go be with Cameron then!", he yelled walking into his room and locking the door. What have I done?

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