Chapter 31 Who?

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We had already rushed Lizzy to a hospital and we were all waiting nervously outside for her to wake up. We figured out who would go in first and such because we all assumed 2 at a time. We let Nash and Hayes go first then me, but I get to go alone. We have already been here for about an hour and the doctor said it shouldn't be much longer before she's awake again. I looked around the room at the depressed faces. Everyone was looking at the ground being silent because nobody had words for what had just happened to one of our best friends.

"Excuse me?", the doctor cleared his throat and we all looked up with high hopes. He nodded at us and Nash and Hayes began to walk towards the room. It had been about 15 minutes before they both came out crying. I've never seen them cry before, this must be bad. I looked up to Nash and he just shook his head. I was very confused before I walked into the room. "Hey Lizzy!", I exclaimed trying to bring a happier mood into the solemn room. "Hi... Um who are you?", she asked and that's when i wasn't confused anymore. "I'm Matt. Your boyfriend...", I looked to her with hope. "I'm sorry I don't remember you. I don't really remember anything. Last thing I remember is that my dad died just a month ago.", she stated blankly.

"Okay.", I whispered tears streaming down my face as I walked out of the room. Cameron was about to go in there when I stopped him. "Unless you wanna end up crying I wouldn't go in there.", I told him. "Why?", he asked. "She doesn't remember.", I whispered just loud enough so that everybody heard me. They were all taken a back at first, but then the doctor came into the room and we all gathered around. "She has been afflicted with Amesia. There's no telling how long it will take before she gets her memory back. It may take a week or 2, but sometimes it can take up to a year. I think if you surround her with recent familiar things the quicker it will come back.", he explained and we all nodded.

"I think we should say goodbye to Liz and then go back to the hotel to get some rest.", Nash said and we all nodded piling into her room. "We just wanted to say goodbye, but we'll come back tomorrow.", Nash smiled at her and she nodded because Nash was the only one she knew. We left the hospital and quickly went back to our hotel rooms.


I just wanna remember. I quickly texted Nash to come back to the hospital because I need to talk to him.

"Hey Liz. You needed me?"

"Yeah Nash. I just wanna remember. Why can't I remember?", I started to cry.

"Hey, hey. It's not your fault.", he hugged me tightly.

"But it is. Everyone is so sad because of me. The way Matt looked at me just killed me inside. He looked at me at first with hope, but then when I couldn't remember he burst into tears. I don't want to make people sad Nash. I just want things to go back to however they were. I can't stand not remembering anybody. We must've all been pretty close if they came to see me."

"I wish you could remember too, but you can't change the past. It'll all be ok. I promise. You'll get your memory back and everything will be okay. I promise.", a tear slid down his cheek.

I wiped it away and hugged him one last time before I had to go to bed and Nash had to leave.

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