Chapter 6 Wrong Way!

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I was running as fast as I could and I was just behind Cameron. Those two turned, but I kept going straight because I think that this is the way to the hotel and I don't really trust Taylor or Cameron with directions. The other boys stopped Matt just kept running straight with me. Everybody else turned except me and Matt. We continued to run for a while and I didn't see the hotel. "Aw shit.", I spoke stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. "We went the wrong way didn't we?", Matt asked. I nodded my head. "Well way to go.", he exclaimed. "Your the one that followed me!", I argued and he laughed. "Yeah true.", he sighed and smiled at me.

We decided to sit down on the curb and call the boys. "Hey Nash can you guys um come find us?"

"Yeah where are you guys even at?"

"I have no idea we're just sitting on a curb."

"Well that helps a lot. Yeah we'll come look for you just stay put. Oh and don't even think about doing anything with Matt."

"Oh shut up!", I looked over at Matt to see him blushing a bit.

"Let me talk to Matt!", I handed the phone to him, but its still on speaker.

"Matt I swear if you do anything to my little cousin I will personally kick your ass."

"I'm only 3 months younger than you!"

"So your still younger and Matt we have a deal."

"No promises.", Matt said before we quickly hung up the phone. I hit his arm. "Ow! I was only kidding!", he shouted and I laughed. "I'm sorry do you need me to kiss it better?", I asked jokingly. "Yes.", he pouted and I kissed my hand and smacked his arm again. "All better?", I questioned. "NO!", he yelled and I laughed. We have now been sitting here for about 20 minutes. I really wonder if they're even looking. It's starting to get dark and cold. I shivered as I sat on the curb of the streets of Washington DC. Matt must of noticed me shivering because he gave me his sweatshirt. "Matt you need this.", I told him trying to hand it back to him. "Nah. Your cold and I'm fine. Take it.", he smiled and I put the sweatshirt over my head. It was pretty big on me.

He looked at me and laughed. "What?", I asked. "Its huge on you!", he exclaimed and I looked down. My arms didn't even go all the way through the sleeves. "You know what I just realized.", I said out of no where. "What?", he asked. "They probably aren't even looking for us.", I spoke and he looked at me and laughed. "Your probably right.", Matt laughed. "We're still covered in food too.", I laughed looking at myself and then at Matt. I then felt a wet drop fall on my face. I looked up to the sky and saw that it was about to start pouring. Ok I spoke too late. The rain poured down around us and I put the hood up. I got up and looked at Matt who just stood there. "There's something I've always wanted to do with a girl in the rain. I know you don't like me, but will you make one of my many tiny dreams come true", he questioned and I looked at him weirdly.

"What is it?", I asked. "Will you dance in the rain with me?", he asked putting his hand out for me to take. I took it and he got out his phone and set it under a thing to keep it dry. He played the song You & Me by: Lifehouse. We started to dance. He made me do a few spins and I came back to him and by the time the song was over he dipped me and it ended. I looked back up at him and into his big brown eyes. That's it I can't deny it anymore.

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