Chapter 12 Tag! YOUR IT!

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After we had finished all of the meet and greets we had about a 30 minute break so we could eat and rest. Well they thought we would rest. We all fought for the last slice of pizza and Taylor won. I laughed as I watched everyone sit there pouting while Taylor enjoyed his pizza with a smug smile on his face. I was sitting next to Nash and Hayes. I didn't want to sit next to Matt because that would seem too suspicious. Then out of no where Carter got up and started running around the room. He quickly came back and touched Aaron and then ran off screaming. "YOUR IT!", he yelled giggling like a little girl and I laughed. Aaron got up and tagged Shawn running off. Soon enough our little game of tag had started. All the chairs that were set up for the show had been knocked down in attemts to jump over them.

I watched as Jack J. chased Taylor around and he jumped over the last standing chair. Well he tried anyway. Taylor face planted on the ground and I stood there clutching my stomach from laughing so hard. "Oh. My. God. I. Can't. Breathe!", I gasped and fell on the ground tears coming out of my eyes. "Oh my god Lizzy are you crying?", Cameron exclaimed coming over to me. I was still laughing and I couldn't stop as I lay on the ground and the boys stood around me. Soon enough most of them had pulled out their phones and were video taping me probably for vine. After about 2 more minutes I got up and had caught my breath. I wiped the tears from my face and we looked around the room. We only have 5 minutes til the show and every chair is knocked over or thrown across the room. Oh yeah did I mention we threw some chairs at each other because we didn't wanna get tagged... Yeah it wasn't very good.

"Oh crap.", was all Carter could say when we finally looked over the whole room. Only 3 more minutes til all of those people storm in here and have to sit down. Soon enough their tour manager came back into the room and looked around in shock. "WHAT DID YOU IDIOTS DO?", she screeched looking at all of us. The boys looked scared and upset that they were gonna be in trouble. "Are you ok?", I asked Matt who looked the worst. "Not really my mom said if I got in trouble on tour that she wouldn't let me do vine anymore. I can't get in trouble.", he whispered looking at me. I knew what I had to do as I gazed over everyone's faces all of them having the same expression. I stepped through the little group of boys and walked over to the lady.

"Excuse me lady. I'm sorry this is my fault. I started it. I'm the one to blame not them. Please don't get them in trouble. It should be me.", I confessed even though it was a lie. All of technically started it. I could hear whispers in the background. "What's she doing? Does she know she can get kicked out of here for this?", I heard Cameron asking Matt. I looked back at them and saw Matt looking at me smiling yet having a worried look on his face. "Yeah she does and that's why she's doing it. She doesn't want any of us to get in trouble.", Matt whispered back to Cameron and their manager looked back at me. She glared at me and spoke, "You have a strike system where I come from and on your third strike your out. This would be your first strik, but since your standing up and admitting what you've done. I won't count it. I respect what you did here and I have a name.", she explained and I smiled. "What is it?", I asked curiously. "It's Veronica.", she stated and walked out of the room carrying her clipboard and all.

I walked back to the groupp of boys who cheered loudly and hugged me and I just stood there laughing as Matt hugged me last.

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