Chapter 33 Shattered hearts can't be fixed (last chapter)

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I didn't shead one tear at that moment. The only things that were shead were my trust and my belief that one day I would find love again. Yes I still love Matt, but I'm tired of his games. I'm just tired of life.

*1 Week Later*

Back to Magcon and this time we're in Dallas. Again I arrived at the airport in Dallas seeing each one of the guys. I hugged them all until it came to Matt. He tried to hug me with a small smile on his face, but I just pushed him away and that smile quickly faded to a frown. We all ran out to the car and I sat next to Nash and when Matt tried to sit by me I again pushed him away. I hesitated before saying something that sounded quite harsh in my head and coming out of my mouth. "What part of this time it's over for good don't you understand Matt. Stop trying to act like everything is ok because it's not and nothing ever will be between us again because you know what? You screwed up and you can't fix it.", I yelled.

Everyone seemed taken aback at what I had said and we all just sat in silence the rest of the way to a hotel. I was put in a room with Nash again because Hayes couldn't come this time. Everyday went by the same. The usual meet and greets and attacks in the hallway. But this one girl seemed to stand out. She had beautiful blonde flowing hair and bright blue eyes and Matt had his eye on her pretty well. At all of the shows and all of the times we saw her he just stared and stared until she wasn't in his sight anymore. To tell you the truth it made me a bit jealous, but not that much. I think I'm finally moving on.

In Dallas we're going to 6 Flags and I just can't wait. I waited for the day and it finally came. On the way to 6 flags I noticed someone as we stepped into the gates. It was familiar blonde hair and I knew exactly who it was when matt went running over to her. "Hey Kate, I've been waiting all week to ask you this and since I'm leaving tomorrow I figure I better ask now. Will you go out with me?", we all heard him ask and she screamed yes before taking him into a hug. That was it even though I'm not with Matt anymore my heart still shattered into a million tiny pieces. There was no gluing it back together. I guess that's what I get for finally trusting again...


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