Chapter 26 The truth...

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As me and Matt broke away I figured he would have questions. "Ok babe. I know that you probably don't want to talk about it, but I just need to know how all of this stuff got into your head?", he asked and I got the note out from my back pocket. "Well it all started in 7th grade. It was just a normal day at recess until..."


"Hey Connie!", I shouted over to one of my friends. We're in 7th grade and she's kind of considered one of the populars and always has been since 5th grade came along. We've always been good friends, but suddenly she just seems to keep blowing me off and forgetting about me. "What do you want? Can't you seem I'm talking.", she spoke harshly and I was taken aback. "I don't know what you're talking about.", I said back to her getting upset. "Well listen up and listen good because I'm only going to say this once. I can't be your friend anymore. Your a worthless little loser that nobody cares about and nobody ever will care about. If anything you should just go commit suicide because nobody wants you. Your a little fat ugly whore and I will never ever be your friend again got it? Now just go along.", she spat and I couldn't take it.

I ran away from her and everyone else. I sat in the hallway and cried until noon rec was over and one month later me and my mom had gotten a letter from the army saying my father was killed in action. My dad was all I had because my mom never really paid attention to me. My dad was the only thing stopping me from commiting and I have to admit after he died I just wanted to die. The only thing that was holding me back were my 2 cousins Nash and Hayes. Ever since then I've been close to those 2 and never ever let anything get inbetween us.


"And that's it. Ever since then the thoughts never left. They finally left my head a year ago, but they just keep coming back because once a week sometimes twice Connie and her group of little brats put a note in my locker just like this one. This is the first time they actually gave me a razor though. I guess 7th grade was really just the worst year of my life.", I finished my story and Matt looked astonished and really sad. "I can't believe that happened to you.", he said and hugged me tightly. "Matt are you only dating me again because you felt sorry for me because if you are then you can just cut the act.", I told him seriously. "I'm not I promise. And I'm not letting you out of my sight. Not again. I wont' let you get away from me. I don't care if people say we're too young to be in love because age doesn't matter the heart has no age and my heart is telling me that I love you and I need you in my life.", he started. It brought a tear to my eye and he continued.

"Elizabeth your the sun that rises in my window every morning and the brightest star that can light up the whole night sky alone. Your beautiful, hilarious, cute, imaginative, have a great personality, strong, courageous and even scared at times, but the best part of you is... you. Your everything I've ever wanted and yes I know this sounds like some just lame speech that a guy would give at his wedding, but I'm not asking you to marry me Lizzy. I'm just trying to tell you how much I love you and I can't find all of the right words to explain it. Just the way you make me feel is something I've never felt before and i love you so much for it. I can't find the words, but when I do it will be the most amazing words ever.", he finished and continued to look in my eyes. "You don't need words.", was all I said before we kissed passionately.

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