Chapter 7 Wanna Bet?

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"I like you too Matt.", I told him as he brought me back up. "You do?", he asked. "Yes I do. I have to admit this though. I have a hard time trusting people. I have a hard time even believing anything anybody tells me. I only trust 4 people in my life and I only have ever since my dad died. I guess I'm just afraid to get hurt again.", I explained and he looked at me. "I would never hurt you Elizabeth.", he whispered and I hugged him tightly. "Just saying though. I don't want a boyfriend right now.", I said.


Ok that kind of ruined my dreams just a little bit, but at least she like me back. That's a plus right? "I understand, but can I do something?", I asked. She looked at me confused before I kissed her. At first she was surprised, but then she settled into and kissed back. As soon as we pulled away we saw a car come around the corner instantly knowing who it was. They saw us and stopped. "Where have you guys been?", Elizabeth asked. "Yeah it's been terrible. It started to frikin pour rain and you just got here wow!", I winked back at Elizabeth who blushed a bit. "Yeah what the heck guys!", she excliamed going along with it. "Well sorry, but do you guys want a ride or not?", Carter asked and without question we got in the car. "Good.", Carter huffed and I laughed.


Oh my god! Did we really just kiss? I mean did that really just happened. Oh well it felt real and it felt good. I felt like I was actually loved. I felt like I could trust Matt, but I just don't know. I like him so much. I just don't know if I'm ready for a relationship yet. Once we got in the car I sat next to Matt and looked at him. He nudged me then looked away at the ceiling. I nudged him back and looked away. He nudged me a couple more times and I pushed him and he laughed. "Wow somebody's strong.", he teased while everyon else was off in their own conversations. "Yeah this is all muscle. I call this one.. BANG! and this one... POW!", I pointed to each one and he laughed at me. "Well I bet you're not stronger than me.", he raised an eyebrow. "Oh really do you care to test that?", I asked him poking his chest. "Yeah I do little missy.", he answered and looked at me.

I laughed before we arrived at the hotel so me and Matt could change so we could go out to eat again. Maybe this time with no food fights. Like I said maybe. We went to our seperte rooms and I came out like 10 minutes later to see Matt meeting with me in the hallway. "So we meet again?", he asked. "Yes.", I giggled and he took my hand. "Can I walk you downstairs ma'dam?", he questioned with one eyebrow raised. "Yes you can good sir.", I told him looping my arm through his strong one. "Well I think I doubted you a bit.", I laughed. "What do ya mean?", he asked. "Your stronger than I thought you were.", I stated and he laughed. "I told you I was stronger than you.", Matt teased. "Yeah yeah whatever. Let's just go eat.", I told him and he smiled.

Trusting Again (Matt Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now