Chapter 30 Why?

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That moment on the stage while Shawn sang really made me think about everything. I've fallen in love. I've fallen in love with Matt. I feel like he could really be the one and I hope he will be. I still don't trust him all the way yet, but it's very close. The song ended and everyone cheered loudly and I was trying to break out of Matt's grip, but he just pulled me closer. The crowd of girls started to chant. "KISS! KISS! KISS!" I looked into Matt's eyes and then at the crowd. As we started to lean in a loud noise disturbed us. "AHHHH! NOT AGAIN!", Cameron was screaming and I just rolled my eyes quickly kissing Matt. When we pulled apart he smiled at me brightly and Taylor was over comforting Cameron. I laughed at them before I exitted the stage and Matt tried not to take his eyes off of me the whole time.

I watched as they did different things and laughed from time to time. When it was about time to go I was walking towards the door to go up to my room before all the comotion started. Then Matt looked at me with bright eyes. "Where do you think you're going?", he said into the mic. and I felt like a deer in headlights as everyone stared at me. "Um...", I said looking at him. "You can't leave early!", Matt exclaimed and Nash, Cam and Taylor came over to where I was and carried me back over to the stage. "What are you doing?!", I yelled in frustration as they set me down on the ground. "Your going to sing.", they told me and I immediately said no and shook my head violently.

"Um let me think... No!", I told them folding my arms against my chest. "C'mon babe just one song.", Matt looked at me and smiled reassuringly. "Fine. Play let it go Mahogany!", I pointed to the girl behind the computer who started to play the familiar song. "Sing with me Shawn!", I begged and he grabbed a microphone coming to the front of the stage with me. When the first part I started singing and we sang the whole song together and I smiled as everyone cheered and sang along to the song. At the end of the song I put the mic. down and all the boys lifted me up on their shoulders carrying me off the stage and out of the room.

"Why did you guys make me do that!", I screeched as we got out of the room. "Because your amazing!", Cam screamed in my face and hugged me tightly. I laughed as he squeezed me and lifted me up. "Well thank you. And thank you too Shawn.", I nodded at him before I bid them goodbye to go up to my room. I walked slowly through the hallway to the elevator and pushed a button waiting for it to open. As I stood there looking around I heard someone running. Then I saw Shawn coming around the corner. Before I knew what was going on I saw a large group of girls coming around the corner. I didn't have time to run before I fell to the floor and was trampled over while all the girls ran past me after Shawn. All I could see and hear before I passed out was the boys coming around the corner and hearing Matt yell, "Oh my god Elizabeth!"

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