Chapter 17 But you are lazy...

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Over the weekend we had already talked to Nikki's parents and told them when we would be back and everything. I honestly can't wait. I just wanna be back with Matt again. I mean I know it's only been like 3 days, but still that makes no difference in how much I miss him. We were leaving this morning so that we could be in Virginia by tonight stay at Matt's house. We already had it ok'd with his parents too and then by the end of the next day we would be in New York City just chillin'. Nicole was at my house helping me finish my packing before we left. "Girls are you almost ready?", my mom asked walking into the question. "Yeah hold on I just have to get my suit case shut.", I told her and me and Nicole sat on my suit case before zipping it shut. We quickly hopped off and got in the car driving off to Virginia.

Soon enough we drove into the driveway at Matt's house with butterflies errupting in my stomach. I'm just so nervous to meet his parents. I mean what if they don't like me? "LIZZY!", I heard Matt yell running towards me. I turned around just in time to get pulled into his strong arms for the biggest hug I've ever recieved. "Hey Matt!", I exclaimed. It was about 5:00 when we arrived here. "I missed you so much.", he whispered in my ear still hugging me. "I missed you too Matt.", I smiled as we pulled away. He then took my bag out of the trunk and i chased after him for it back. "Matt I wanted to bring it in myself! You make me look like I'm lazy!", I shouted running after him all over his yard. I still haven't seen his parents yet. "But you are lazy.", he stopped and I glared at him. "I don't care give me my bag!", I yelled and tried to grab it, but he was too fast.

"Fine then I quit.", I said sitting down in the grass after about 5 minutes of just chasing after him. "Good save your energy for when we take you all out for supper tonight.", he winked and he put my bag inside before coming back over to where I sat on the grass. "Get up lazy bum.", he told me. "No.", I simply stated laying down in the soft grass. "Fine then I'll just have to get you up.", he said before picked me up and throwing me over his shoulder. "Matt put me down!", I screamed pounding on his back while he carried me inside. "Matt stop torturing the poor girl!", I heard a woman say from behind me. "Yeah listen to whoever that is! Put me down!", I shouted. "That's my mom.", he laughed before setting me on my feet.

"Hello sweetheart. I'm Sarah and you must be Elizabeth. Matt's already told us so much about you and I just can't wait til we can get to know eachother better.", she smiled and when I was about to shake her hand she pulled me in for a hug and I smiled at how welcoming she was. "Wow thanks. It's nice to meet you Sarah and this is my mom Sophia Grier and my best friend Nicole Samuels.", I intorduced them and they shook her hand. Then a man walked into the room. "Matt what did you do this time? I heard yelling.", he asked coming into the room before he saw us. "Why do you always think if something's loud I'm the one doing it?", Matt questioned and the man just gave him a look. "Ok fine understood.", he said. "Hi I'm Mike. I'm Matt's father. It's nice to meet you. You must be Elizabeth.", he shook my hand and I smiled. I don't know what I was so worried about. These people are so nice.

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